Now Rebel Media’s David Menzies is Pushed to the Ground While Asking Trudeau a Question – IOTW Report

Now Rebel Media’s David Menzies is Pushed to the Ground While Asking Trudeau a Question

“Canada’s freedoms are being eroded before our eyes.” -Menzies

ht/ Kathy Shaidle

12 Comments on Now Rebel Media’s David Menzies is Pushed to the Ground While Asking Trudeau a Question

  1. Same as in the US, if you don’t stomp out PC bullshit and runaway spending in your home town, this is how you get an idiot as prime minister. You get something crazy locally, you get the same nationally.

    Bush, 0bama, Clinton, Trudeau…

  2. Looks like Trudeau hired a bunch of Leftist National Socialist Skinhead Nazis for his police force. Menzies is fortunate they didn’t give him a Wood Shampoo as well.

  3. Somebody needs to do a facial photo comparison with this wimp’s face between Fidel’s and Jacque’s.
    Three photos the same size same angle.
    I will bet he looks 10 times more like Fidel than Jacque.
    I don’t think so.

  4. Are you sick and tired of the kind of corruption we in this country now on a daily basis?

    Hey now! We got enough to handle in the United States!
    Our corruption beats yer corruption like a rented mule… or I should say Jackass!


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