Now SJWs are going after Captain Kirk – IOTW Report

Now SJWs are going after Captain Kirk

What is the penalty when the past is in violation of the present? According to the left that past needs to be completely expunged.

Star Trek and William Shatner are now accused of crimes against the passage of time.

There was a Star Trek episode that featured Abe Lincoln. Upon meeting Lt. Uhura, Lincoln says, “What a charming negress.”

Kirk seems taken aback.

Lincoln apologizes for being anachronistic.

Uhura then commits the real egregious crime, the one that slaps current SJWs in their perpetually outraged faces-

“But why should I object to that term, sir? In our century, we’ve learned not to fear words…”

This pissed off this bint–>  because in this century, the ceaseless examination of potentially offensive words is her meal ticket.

This idiot doesn’t stop to consider that whatever she demands others call her currently – negro, colored, African American, black, person of color – might very well “offend” her great grandchild. She thinks she’s “woke,” trust me, she is dead to the world.

Shatner weighed in-

These are just a few of the bint’s comments.

-Bill seriously needs to stay in his lane.

-There are many racist Trek fans…

Then she hides behind the “black shield,” as if this inoculates one from being wrong.

-It is a real shame when a icon of science fiction like William Shatner characterizes Black women professors as trolls, simply because we have informed opinions that he disagrees with.

-Attacks against Black faculty have grown commonplace in the 2010s. There are those who would love to see us driven from the academy altogether.

-Carry on with attacking a Black woman who didn’t bother you on the Independence Day holiday that you purportedly love… while I enjoy my chosen family: my friends.


The Shat will have none of it-


18 Comments on Now SJWs are going after Captain Kirk

  1. The actor who specifically sabotaged a scene so the the first black/white kissing scene had to be used is now racist? Well, I imagine a white man imposing his will onto a black woman certainly would be considered as such today.

  2. On behalf of all ancient Slavic people, I object to the use of the term “slave,” which was derived from the practice of capturing Slavic people and then “owning” them. The term “slave” must be eliminated as an affront to all Slavs present and past.

    Now, when black professors refer to black people in the pre-13th Amendment period, they must use the term “dark skinned homo sapiens who were forcibly emigrated from primarily the African continent, deprived of all civil rights, and forced into involuntary servitude during their lifetime while being legally defined as chattel.”

    Wow. I could learn to like defining revisionist history.

  3. “Stay in your lane” is ghetto rat talk for “mind your own business” with the implication that if you didn’t you could meet physical retribution.
    When it comes to Star Trek, it’s not only ALL Shatner’s lane, it’s his freeway when it comes to all things Star Trek (the origioal series).

  4. “You are putting today’s values & applying them on the past.”

    I say that all the time. I tell regressives while they are condemning people from the 1500’s because they were racist (by today’s standards), I guarantee you that people from the year 3000 will be condemning the people today as uneducated, ignorant savages too.

    The standard rebuttal is that there is no way they (them personally) are going to be thought of like that by somebody from the future. I tell them they have no idea how the society of 3000 is going to be, but since they will by assumption be more advanced as they will be 1000 years ahead of us, they will look at us like we look at people from the year 1000.

    It’s fun watching them get all twisted trying to say that society of then will be like they are now and will only be passing judgment on me for being a Trump supporter. LOL

  5. This leftist troll ends her rant claiming she was “attacked”. Victimhood is standard operating procedure for a SJW tool.
    She started the conflict by decided to attack historical events to twist it for her marxist politically correct idiocy. Mzz. BLM is a clueless, ignorant, childish tool of the left.
    Also, Shatner really thought he could reason with her by relating progressivism to her Antifa doctrine. Well, that didn’t work because there is no reasoning with left. Presenting opposition makes them more embolden and enraged.

  6. These..people can’t even watch Friends (which while it wasn’t all that great, was pretty harmless fare) without needing to be scraped off the ceiling.
    Good on him for being willing and a lot more able than they are to express common sense.

  7. I’ve been following Shatner on Twitter for three years, he live tweets the bachelorette and argues with sjw fans over currently airing tv shows, it’s a riot. ;b


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