These bastards have no shame. They should hang.
CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, somewhat confusingly, says they are aware of 223 people who have died with covid after being vaccinated.
— Justin Baragona (@justinbaragona) May 16, 2021
"Not all of those 223 cases who had covid actually died of covid. They may have had mild disease but died, for example, of a heart attack."
If it wasn’t for double standards…
Political rot has infected the CDC and they’re selling gibberish instead of truth.
it is ‘3 card malarkey’
a con game
epidemiology is dead. they killed last year
…so now there’s a years worth of death certificates with lies on them.
I know an elderly woman who’s absolutely TERRIFIED of the Coof, and has been since they told her that her brother died of it.
Her brother that had end stage leukemia.
Her brother that tested INTO the hospital as Coof free.
Her brother that went INTO the hospital because the leukemia had halved his weight and was shutting down his organs.
Her brother that she never saw alive again because the hospital was on severe Coof lock-in.
..but somewhere, somehow, probably because it meant more money, some pathologist decided to write “Coof” on his death certificate, and she’s been fearful of the world ever since.
She’s getting better. At least she came back to church and stopped accusing the Pastor of giving him the Coof that allegedly killed him. At least she’ll sit in a pew now, but she still wears a mask and still won’t let anyone but her fiancée, who she ALSO requires wear a mask, come near her.
She’s getting better. The Lord is dealing with her.
But she only got WORSE because her Government and the medical profession LIED to her.
For power and for money, they scared an old woman and many like her into being terrified to live in the last few years of their life.
…I also have a friend, a co-worker, with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer, who’s father went into a nursing home because of Alzheimers before the lies started. My freind got locked away from his own father and was allowed no more than short telephone and video visits and could not be with him as he declined, then he got sick himself, while his father died cut off from my friend and his siblings.
For a lie.
…It’s pointless and unChristian even to pray for bad things for people. God doesn’t damn people. God doesn’t WANT to damn people. God has His OWN perfect justice and requires no input from ME.
…but if I could, I would ask of him only this.
That he accept the evil that these Democrats in government and opportunists in white coats be allowed to damn themselves, and that they go by the swiftest route possible to the blackest pits of hell by their own actions, and that they stay proud and unrepentant as they are and never ever cry out to Him and so are rewarded for these and all their crimes.
They have demonstrably reprobate minds.
I only ask that they keep them and take them to hell with them, so their true master there can give them all they have earned.
I would like to say God damn them
But if there is anything of justice in Heaven, they have already damned themselves…
The problem is that people believe the lies then they defend them when they are exposed to avoid having to admit they were naively duped into believing them in the first place.
No one likes to think they are naive, especially the naive.
Someone now needs to go through all the pandemic data and re-classify the deaths for accuracy. Someone PLEASE.
I’m not going to believe a word of this nonsense unless Dr. Falsie Swampy Deep State confirms it on the Communist Collusion Network. It’s important that we follow the Science and whatever the Wuhan Bat Soup Center for the Destruction of Western Medicine tells the Center for Disease Confusion to dissemble. Know what I mean, Verne?
All we can do is assume the polar opposite of whatever they tell us. The hard part is doing the polar opposite of everything they tell us to do.
Our government’s number one job is to look out for us. Instead, our government is out for us.
Well this accounts for the lack of a Mortality spike last year that was exposed in mid Jan. ’21 by the CDC yearly death totals. I wonder if they’ll put that page back online, because as soon as Tony Robbins caught it he went on a rant, and then they removed the page from view.
Eventually they (CDC) HAD to say something to the majority of the population that still has common sense and can understand stats. And what about those two researchers from Johns Hopkins? They came to the same determination in Sept. ’20 and had to remove their research paper from publication because the CDC couldn’t allow that info to expose the ruse before the election.
Recently got hired on with a major caretaker franchise, and a woman I care for listens to NPR, drives me nuts, they are always talking The Kung Fu Flu the CDC and how wonderful shit for brains Joe is. 🤨
Good thing it’s only for four hours a week, this woman actually believes this crapola.
I just keep my mouth shut, but on the plus side I met a fellow Trump supporter at the laundry facilities and we chatted a few minutes, oh if only the NPR listener had known. 😁
“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”
(some dead white dude)
izlamo delenda est …
“Well, this accounts for the lack of a Mortality spike last year that was exposed in mid Jan. ’21 by the CDC yearly death totals.”
Hey, no flu this year, because everybody’s wearing masks and social distancing. Right, CDC?
This actually is not a double standard for them. What they
have done with both standards is to try to take control over you
and gain more power themselves.
The last two flu seasons…..
Flu cases….2020/21…..1822
Flu cases….2019/20…..38,000,000
We’ve been lied to and used.
If you expect anything other than lies and dissimulation from anything connected with the gov’t, then you are a fool.
Sorry to sugarcoat it, but there it is.
izlamo delenda est …
Is fauci dead yet?!?
Re: the person you know who’s brother got sick at the hospital
As most people know, Up here I Canuckistan, we have “Mandatory” Civid Hotels where the Gov’t Quarantines you.
2 are Temporarily Closed Due to “COVID OUTBREAKS” people were fine when they checked in. there were a few sexual assaults (By security staff) Food was disgusting to non existent. They billed people ridiculous amounts.
Those people need to sue the Government.
And then the CCP. This was Lab enhanced and lab leaked!
“Polar opposite”
I did not come from a lab. It did.
The scientists did not steal technology. They did
Trump Lost. He did not.
Economy is great. My ass.
Fauci did not fund Gain of Function. They did.
The Palestinians are victims. They are not.
The boarder is secure. No comment.
Insurrection at the capitol. Not even fucking close eh BLM?
exact opposite, every time.
We’re fast approaching the point where the French were erecting guillotines.
If the Fauxis involved in this weren’t psychopaths, they’d be shitting their pants.
And then there’s stupid asshole Joe who’s been feasting on his own bullshit since 1972.
I think the Gooberment and MSM lies.
“Almost four thousand people died after getting the COVID vaccines. The actual number is almost certainly much higher than that — perhaps vastly higher.”
In Maine General Mills and Shah Na Na have been only announcing “with”.
It’s all about the money.
They refuse to say how many people actually died of CCP virus.
I don’t care, just give me more stimmy!