Now That Trump Receives Saudi Honor The Left Awakens To the Saudi’s “Extreme Islamic Ways” – IOTW Report

Now That Trump Receives Saudi Honor The Left Awakens To the Saudi’s “Extreme Islamic Ways”

What’s next, the left calling the Saudis a bunch a savage muzzies?


They also think they’ve found a “gotcha” with Trump, who slammed Obama for bowing to the kings.

Obama did it voluntarily, with genuine love, offering his mouth as a cøck holster.

Trump was getting honored by the Saudis. He leaned over so they could put gold around HIS neck. He threw them a bone. He gave them a small curtsy.  I don’t like that he did, but the difference with Obama’s actions and Trump’s is as far apart as Michelle’s right and left hip.



14 Comments on Now That Trump Receives Saudi Honor The Left Awakens To the Saudi’s “Extreme Islamic Ways”

  1. The left has to be getting whiplash by now. Spinning your head and mouth around 180 degrees from what it had been saying, all these multidue of recent time, must be killing them.. it’s got to hurt.

  2. I watched the “curtsy” a few times over and it looked like he was regaining his balance or getting up from a sort of bended knee position from the lean down to receive the award.

  3. If you looked at President Trump and the 80-year-old King side by side when they were in that palatial room, the King is now stooped over, somewhat shorter than Trump and occasionally uses a cane.
    The King would not be able to put the medal around President Trump’s neck, if Trump did not slightly lean over to show some respect for age and infirmity.

  4. Obama is bowing down AS he is shaking the hand of the Saudi King. The difference between Barrack Hussein O’Bowdown and Presidential Donald Trump can be seen in the reaction of the Saudis.

    There’s clearly a WTF (What’s This Faggotry?) reaction from all the Saudis in the BHO picture. One of the reasons for that is not only is he behaving like a craven domestic servant, he is also committing a blasphemy. Muslims dont bow down to anybody but Allah.

  5. “Olympic medal winners lean down to get their medals. Are they bowing too?” – MJA in a previous post.

    That should end the ‘discussion’. Stoooopid haters. Oh, wait. They are liberals. They had their logic gene removed.

  6. One more funny thing about Obama’s behavior in front of the Sa’udis. Abdullah would have owned people from Obama’s racial group (East Africans) as slaves until the age of 40, so maybe there was something in Obama’s make-up that made him instinctively respond to his master.

    You’d have thought our media would have some kind of fun with this, seeing as how this is the biggest presidential faux pas in American history. Seriously, a black American president bowed down to a guy who once held blacks as slaves?

    So what’s the deal, Steve Colbert? Why no lines like, “No need to cock holster me, Mr President, but later on, could you please empty out my shit pots? That hasn’t been done yet. Oh, and I’ve already had your brother wipe my ass, so no need for you to do that.”

  7. He’s 6 foot 3 and old, he was so determined to not bow down he bent his knees, it’s hard to recover from that.
    If he weren’t so tall and the king so short, old and feeble, he wouldn’t have had to go so far down to get the massive solid gold chain, bet that thing is heavy.
    Curtsy, hah, he held onto the king to keep from falling over, you don’t grab the king during a curtsey.
    Keep living, you’ll get there too.

  8. I could give a green splatter shit what the commies are saying. I just want them to change their minds and not be commies, leave my Republic, or leave my planet.

    That’s the nicest thing I can say and not get a visit by the Deep State. Hi there Big Brother :).

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