Now They Leap Into Action – IOTW Report

Now They Leap Into Action


The acting U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, Michael Sherwin, says “hundreds” of people may ultimately face charges related to the storming of the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, which interrupted a session of Congress and left five people dead.

Sherwin spoke with NPR’s Martin Kaste in an exclusive interview Saturday evening about the multiagency investigation, the challenges officials face and what they’ll be looking for.

Sherwin says he doesn’t want to “Monday morning quarterback” the U.S. Capitol Police, but the fact that they allowed hundreds of potential suspects to leave the scene has made his job more difficult. Now he says staffers are putting in “24-hour shifts” to identify suspects, searching for evidence online and saving it before it can be deleted. More

No Sh*t, Sherwin? How about a commitment to make arrests for the riots directed at the White House this summer? – Dr. Tar

16 Comments on Now They Leap Into Action

  1. I expect to see lots of indictments of antifa, democrat congressvermin, and capitol police for conspiracy to commit sedition, insurrection, and incitement to riot.


    The United States is no longer a nation of laws.

  2. Meanwhile, (allegedly) PDJT approves an emergency declaration for DC associated with the fraud inauguration.

    I won’t believe HE signed this until I hear him say he did.

    Is he still alive? Any life confirmations?

  3. “…the challenges officials face and what they’ll be looking for.”

    A Trumper needle in an antifa haystack, is what you mean.

    …”searching for evidence online and saving it before it can be deleted.”

    Searching for evidence online and deleting it before it can be saved, is what you mean.

    “24-hour days”…ninja, please. There’s no such thing in government. You’re talking to people who actually work for a living, and you sound like a fool. STFU.

  4. Every time we choose to quote propaganda from NPR-type organizations “…left five people dead” it should always be written “… left five [sic] people dead” since only two people died as a result of the actions during “riotous behavior”, the other three, medical emergencies, required aid and were nowhere near the action. Perhaps we should do this for every lamestream media lie rather than repeat and reinforce it.

  5. So The right to petition government for redress of grievances of one’s government, without fear of punishment or reprisals, has been deemed null & void?
    By which act of congress, exactly?
    If we want a constitutional government, we need to turn the fear around; there’s only one way to make them fear us.

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