Now They Want To Abolish The Presidency – IOTW Report

Now They Want To Abolish The Presidency

Some are claiming this is satire. The opening paragraphs read like the narrative the democrats have been trying to create for the last two years. In this opinion piece, the writer is dissatisfied with the current resident of the White House and therefore proposes that we never have another. More

14 Comments on Now They Want To Abolish The Presidency

  1. I swear the first two paragraphs read like she was describing the obummer years.
    Here – I fixed it for her:
    “We’ve seen it: the belligerent typo-ridden SPEECHES; the fawning press conferences with autocrats and overlords; the self-described ANTIFACISTS on parade RIOTING FOR AN American president. We have seen it with our own eyes. There is a ANEMIC authoritarian SNORTING COKE in his BALLET TIGHTS in a 200-year-old mansion that used to symbolize the principal republic of the world.”

  2. Consider the source. If you look at here Wikipedia page, you realize that this is not someone you would want to advice from, period. The fact that she worked for Alan Grayson alone is a disqualifier. headers tell it all

    The Left wants to be in power with no other challengers. Just look at the leaders they love and you see why, leaders who do not believe that the power to govern is derived by the consent of the people but that the people must be governed by a government that needs no consent.

    They can’t cope when they are not in power and want to dismantle the whole apparatus because they didn’t get the result they wanted.(This is why they have no problem with voter fraud and go nuts when you want to prevent it with Voter ID or purging the roles of dead people.)

    I equate her screed as something akin to a talent management specialist who deals with diversity issues at N.A.S.A telling Mission Control that the rocket can’t launch because it doesn’t have a rainbow flag on it and that they should scrap the space program until they are able to be inclusive.

  3. Get Rid of the President and we’ll have what, a Parliamentary system? So would the prime minister be the majority leader of the Senate or the Speaker of the House. Either way, right now Executive powers would still be in Republican hands. Granted in the hands of some rather soft and squishes Republicans, but still the dems would be out of power for the foreseeable future.

  4. DIANA

    As far as bush + Obama are concerned WE ARE SURFS! Bush Clan started America on “the road to serfdom” in ’89; Barry picked up the job in ’09 and almost got it done in ’16.

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