Now You See It, Now We Say You Don’t – IOTW Report

Now You See It, Now We Say You Don’t

Jonathan Turley

The final line of defense is now that Hunter Biden was selling access to Joe Biden but it was an “illusion.” The reason, they claim, is there is no evidence of direct payments to Joe and Jill Biden.

There is, of course, nothing “illusionary” about tens of millions moving to Hunter and other family members.

But political spins are often built on illusions. The latest is that Joe Biden only benefits from these payments if they were directly deposited in his accounts. More

10 Comments on Now You See It, Now We Say You Don’t

  1. Just like the BS the press pulled with inflation – it’s transitory, it’s a sign of a recovering economy, it’s price gouging by evil corporations, and of course it’s Trump’s fault.

  2. The UniParty needs to be preserved and protected by all hogs stuffing themselves at the trough……Gop e and the Dems are all united, and the only division between them is the percentage of the take.

  3. It’s that wet bar of soap again the way they like it.
    Yeah but- no intent so nothing to see there.
    Reminds me of that illegal that said he slipped and fell and just happen to stick his wiener in some poor young girl. Only American is being raped.

  4. If we were serious about ending this corruption, we’d be going after the bureaucracy that allows this machine to operate. You take out the right components of the machine, and it will stop working. Unfortunately we’re now talking about basic citizens doing their job for a corrupt government.


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