NPR Diversity Executive: Let the Public, Not Journalists, Decide Who Is Racist – IOTW Report

NPR Diversity Executive: Let the Public, Not Journalists, Decide Who Is Racist


In furious reaction to the President’s tweet on Sunday calling for “Progressive” Democratic Congresswomen who originally came from other countries to “go back” and help fix those governments before trying to change America, many outlets in the “mainstream media” have accused Trump of outright racism.

However, Keith Woods, vice president for newsroom training and diversity with National Public Radio, has a different perspective, asserting that “it is the job of the public, not journalists, to make this type of characterization.”

Woods made the claim during an edition of the Code Switch podcast and in an opinion article posted on the NPR website. The executive was careful to point out that he is not a fan of Trump. \He began by decrying how Trump once again “has used the sniper tower of Twitter to take aim at immigration, race relations and common decency. And once again, journalists are daring their profession to boldly call bigotry what it is: bigotry.”

“I understand the moral outrage behind wanting to slap this particular label on this particular president and his many incendiary utterances, but I disagree,” Woods argued. “Journalism may not have come honorably to the conclusion that dispassionate distance is a virtue. But that’s the fragile line that separates the profession from the rancid, institution-debasing cesspool that is today’s politics.”

Woods argued that the public can’t tell the difference between reporting and the never-ending editorializing on cable “news” shows.  more here

7 Comments on NPR Diversity Executive: Let the Public, Not Journalists, Decide Who Is Racist

  1. Funny how even when they come close to getting something right they still only apply it to their political opposition.
    He’s not showing much courage when only directing his critical eye to the right.
    Nice try, but you still have zero credibility.

  2. “Woods argued that the public can’t tell the difference between reporting and the never-ending editorializing on cable “news” shows.”

    That’s because there IS no difference. No reporting is done today, and if you listen to NPR you will hear some of the most subtle and well crafted spin and twist being delivered today.

  3. I don’t believe that anyone is racists because you can’t possibly like everyone. It goes far deeper than that. Face it, some of us think we are superior to others. Not by human rights, but by being an honest person, you take care of your family and yourself, and you do what is right. The gang of 4 are the worse of them all because they are socialists, they want to take from you and give it to someone else. They are the worse kind of human animals and must be euthanized, as they have no place in our society. So, when someone calls me a racist, it’s true, I am better than that.

  4. I am not a racist. I do care what color you skin is or what gender you have decided to claim, UNTIL, it is your excuse for all your struggles in life.
    The idea that you deserve reparations because your ancestors were mistreated.
    How about reparations for those of us whose ancestors came here an quietly worked their ass off for a better life.


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