NPR Fires Editor That Wrote Essay Saying They Had Leftwing Bias – IOTW Report

NPR Fires Editor That Wrote Essay Saying They Had Leftwing Bias


The NPR editor who issued a scathing critique of his employer has now been suspended by the media outlet. NPR announced the move Tuesday, saying Uri Berliner was being “formally punished” for his essay with a five-day unpaid suspension that started Friday. Berliner’s complaint that NPR has a left-wing bias was countered in a memo to staffers written by the outlet’s editor-in-chief, and in its story announcing Berliner’s punishment, NPR says Berliner’s essay “angered many of his colleagues, led NPR leaders to announce monthly internal reviews of the network’s coverage, and gave fresh ammunition to conservative and partisan Republican critics of NPR, including … Donald Trump.”

The essay also ramped up criticism of NPR’s CEO and president Katherine Maher, who just stepped into the role last month, and whose past social media posts are being called “hyper-partisan” and “woke.” I

Just “move on,” says Juan Williams –

Fox News contributor Juan Williams, who himself was fired by NPR in 2010, says Berliner “spoke a truth” about the outlet. “They are very sensitive to criticism, even though … they say, ‘oh, they’re all for being open-minded.’ I think what Uri Berliner’s pointed out is they’re not that open-minded, and I think that … he may want to move on,” Williams says.

11 Comments on NPR Fires Editor That Wrote Essay Saying They Had Leftwing Bias

  1. “NPR Fires Editor That Wrote Essay Saying They Had Leftwing Bias ”

    It’s like the meme of the islamist screaming “DEATH TO ALL WHO SAY WE’RE NOT PEACEFUL!”.

  2. I still can’t tell if the left is driven by massive arrogance or a complete lack of self-awareness. Unreal. They’ve literally just validated everything he said by firing him. And either they don’t know that or they don’t care if they made it that obvious.

  3. ^^^Tony R WEDNESDAY, 17 APRIL 2024, 9:35 AT 9:35 AM
    “Maybe President Trump during his second term can finally end federal funding for NPR and PBS.”
    But what about “Big Bird?” Never forget, never forgive.

  4. The CV of the CEO of NPR reads like a Gen Y communist mole CIA operative in every possible way:

    BA in Islamic Studies from NYU in 2005. Studied at American University in Cairo right after 9/11.

    Interned at CFR and Eurasia Group

    Worked at National Democratic Institute, World Bank, Wikimedia, and served on a panel advising then Sec. of State Hillary Clinton on foreign policy (We all know how good she was at that.). And, laughingly, she once worked at an NGO called Access Now that existed to reduce Internet censorship in the US.

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