NPR Freezes Hiring, Slashes Staff – IOTW Report

NPR Freezes Hiring, Slashes Staff


Taxpayer-funded National Public Radio (NPR) will wipe out ten percent of its current staff and freeze all hiring, including for current vacancies.

The left-wing welfare queens claim ad revenue did not meet expectations. But, with an annual operating budget of $300 million, this $30 million shortfall gave the serial liars no other choice. More

15 Comments on NPR Freezes Hiring, Slashes Staff

  1. Funny how a non-commercial network could claim”ad revenue” did not make expectations.

    In the early 80’s I lived on the Central California Coast and got both the Los Angeles and San Francisco PBS stations on cable. That allowed me to observe several beg weeks on both stations. I calculated that with the time they spent on beg-a-thongs, they had just as much “commercial” time as commercial stations — and that was before the regulations were relaxed that allowed actual commercials.

    I also noticed that most of the shows that a large number of people would be interested in watching were shown in only in beg weeks.

    I don’t like the fact that the UK has licensing fees if you have a TV, but at least the BBC does not have commercials. Canada, on the other hand, subsidizes the CBC AND the CBC also has commercials. And that does not include Fidel’s subsidizing approved propaganda outlets such as the CBC.

  2. That was a satisfying article, but unfortunately just like their federal government overlords, running at an annual deficit is par for the course. More tax-payer funding will be forthcoming.


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