NPR Triggered by the Mugshot – IOTW Report

NPR Triggered by the Mugshot


Far-left NPR, the taxpayer-subsidized welfare queen of fake news, is having a nervous breakdown over former President Donald Trump’s now iconic and legendary mugshot.

Basically, NPR’s serial liars are angry because Trump’s mugshot backfired on the left. More

26 Comments on NPR Triggered by the Mugshot

  1. You’re right, Loco, he flew in like a rock star on his own jet, had a half mile long motorcade with dozens of police escorts, supporters lined up cheering the whole way, and all on national tv.

  2. It amazes me that after all this time they still don’t understand Trump. It was so obvious that he would capitalize on the mugshot. And they honestly couldn’t see that coming? Unbelievable.

  3. NPR is emblematic, even generative of the anti-American left. The value of NPR was completely eliminated at least sixty years ago, as it was commenced as an outlet for news and views in areas not served by corporate media.

    As statist and communist publicly supported entities go, NPR is the epitome of right thinking corporate-state partnerships, also understood as FASCIST entities. Definitionally fascism was a political move joining state to corporate entities to counter communism in mid last century Italy, just as National Socialism averted a communist takeover in Germany.

    Antifa is wholly aligned with the leftist ideology as they are communists, and are the militant arm of the American democrat party. This is ironic in the extreme as the intertwining of state and corporate entities is a high priority project of the American left and that intertwining is in fact overtly developing fascism.

  4. “In a 2021 study, Global Strategy Group found media coverage in the U.S. used mug shots in 45% of cases involving Black defendants while only 8% of cases involving white defendants.”

    That is complete bullshit. In real life, the exact opposite is true; If they don’t show the face, black is the race.

    “Founded in 1995, Global Strategy Group (GSG) began as a Democratic polling firm. Over two and a half decades, the firm has evolved into a full-service research, public affairs, and communications agency.”

    Got their start lying for the Clintons. Shocking.

  5. It’s not just that they’re triggered by the mug shot…’s that NPR understands that Trump has successfully weaponized the American people against the Deep State and it’s only getting stronger.

  6. I’ll bet Fanni wished she would have pulled her head out of her Fanni cause she gave Trump Street Creds with that mug shot and currently every third post on IG is a black person saying their voting for that nxgger Trump.


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