In the words of public editor Elizabeth Jensen, after Joel Pollak made mince meat of one of her interviewers, “the live format had allowed Pollak to get the better of host Steve Inskeep… Inskeep is an excellent live interviewer, but live interviews are difficult, especially when there is limited time. A little contextualizing never hurts.”
So the tax payer funded NPR won’t allow conservatives to speak live with their on air airheads because they get battered in the arena of ideas. Safe spaces and crafty editing, the keys to winning the debate if you’re a leftist.
Listen to Pollak.
Fuck the left
Of course NPR is largely funded by tax payers, as are all non-profits.
Fck’n losers.
Please President Trump, shut down totally biased taxpayer funded PBS.
Sometime early in your first term.
Maybe on Groundhog Day.
That seems appropriate, as we hear the same Leftist propaganda from that outlet day after day.
They can’t handle being grabbed by the pussy live on air.
That comment is a debate metaphor in which the conservative makes mince meat of the lib they’re debating.
“Mince meat” is the nastiest, unintended pun I’ve ever come up with, given the context of what I typed.
Fuck the NPR, they’ve screwed with Republicans and Conservatives since day one.
Don’t allow them to convince you that they are a majority….they are not. They are in fact, the epitome of all that is evil in this country.
Gwen Iffel could not be reached for comment.
Sorry to speak ill of the dead but she was a lefties lefty. I would rather she had just gone away rather than dying.
No more taxpayer $$ for them, then…
NPR/PBS has always been American communist party’s official propaganda machine. Never listen or watch. Defund it.
Big League
Also, like CNN and Fox did, they have announced that they are eliminating their comment section.
Cuz not listening to The People worked out so well for them.
@What did you expect?: Beat me to it.
Yet another abuse of taxpayer monies like the National Endowment for the Arts.
npr-not pro republican
Off NPR.
The sarcastic humor from the right, when there is a need to celebrate. TOP NOTCH!!!
National Pu**y Regurgitation
I’m sick of NPR, let it fund itself. Commercialize if necessary, but don’t make me fund this abortion.
President Trump: Defund NPR.
They can’t justify their existence anymore. No more funding. Let them go commercial and live or die on their own merit. They’ll be gone in a month.
The FedGov’t should never have got into the free-shit business, nor into the “insurance” business, nor into the “loan” business, much less into the media.
These are the kinds of things I suspect President Trump will ignore, while concentrating on more pressing issues – though these are precisely the things that have driven America into the toilet. We still have $20 Trillion in debt and $220 Trillion in “unfunded” liabilities (debt which will be assumed by the taxpayer, without his consent). The socialists and Globaloney-ists are masters of prestidigitation and will do everything in their considerable power to keep America off-balance, focussing on shit that doesn’t matter (like Jeff Sessions alleged “racism”) while the shit that does matter grows and continues outside the glare of the spotlight.
izlamo delenda est …
“They wouldn’t play by my NPR rules! We’re taking our toys and going hone! how DARE they fight back with facts!”