NRA Exiting NEW PORK – Filing Bankruptcy- Moving To Texas – IOTW Report

NRA Exiting NEW PORK – Filing Bankruptcy- Moving To Texas


  • The National Rifle Association said Friday that it has filed for bankruptcy in U.S. court as part of a larger restructuring plan aimed at moving to Texas.
  • The gun-rights advocacy group said it would restructure as a Texas nonprofit to exit from what it described as “a corrupt political and regulatory environment in New York,” where it is currently registered.
  • Last year, New York Attorney General Letitia James announced that the state was seeking to dissolve the NRA in a lawsuit that accused the organization’s leadership of diverting millions for their own personal use, resulting in a $64 million loss to the organization.
  • more

ht/ jd hasty

16 Comments on NRA Exiting NEW PORK – Filing Bankruptcy- Moving To Texas

  1. NRA is still in New York?

    Oh that’s right. So Wayne LaPierre can live a lavish lifestyle at the finest restaurants off people dumb enough to still donate to that useless organization.

    Where was NRA in Virginia when governor Blackface was gun grabbing? Nowhere to be seen. VCDL was one of two groups fighting back. NRA was AWOL.

  2. Bankruptcy usually means thumbing the nose at potential law suits for actually bankrupting them.

    You know NYS would sue them for leaving like Kali wants to tax businesses leaving the state for the next 10 years.

  3. @ LG 12-
    I doubt they are insolvent. But moving to Texas may be wasted effort unless they also enact a much more aggressive strategy.

    -Ma Deuce (Life Member since 1982.)

  4. Respectfully, looking from the outside inwards (I live in a communist country as you know), Wayne La Prick, his mansion and salary was a total disaster. If that money was put to better use you would all have been much better served.

  5. Smart move.

    Bankruptcy can be Chapter 7 (total liquidation) or Chapter 13 or 11 (payment plans). Chapter 13 or 11 is where they’re going, and they will re-emerge as strong as ever. Given the move to Texas, they’ll be MUCH stronger.

  6. Dave Huff. trust me, we are all on list. I would not be surprised if a wikileaks-type “oopsie” leak happens and our employers force us to renounce or lose our jobs. Although the NRA is no great shakes these days I’m still a member and will die on that hill.

  7. The NRA helped put Newt Gingrich and the Republicans into power against Clinton about 24 years ago.
    That was GREAT for the country.
    Since then, they’ve become greedy and useless.

  8. (Yawn) does anyone remember a time when the NRA made any fucking difference at all?
    The NRA keeps collecting dues & donations, and our 2nd amendment rights continue to go out the window.
    ANY 2nd supporting organization has more push than the somnambulistic NRA.


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