NRA Sues L.A. for Requiring Contractors to Disclose Support for Group – IOTW Report

NRA Sues L.A. for Requiring Contractors to Disclose Support for Group

WFB: The National Rifle Association filed suit against Los Angeles on Wednesday after the city passed an ordinance requiring contractors disclose their support for the gun-rights group in order to work with the city.

The NRA, alongside an unnamed business that supports the organization and holds work contracts with Los Angeles, filed the suit in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California. They claim the city’s ordinance is unconstitutional and violates the First Amendment’s free speech and free association protections as well as the Fourteenth Amendment’s equal protection clause.

“The Ordinance, on its face and as applied or threatened to be applied, imposes an unconstitutional ideological litmus test for independent contractors, requiring that they disclose information about their political beliefs and associations,” Anna M. Barvir, counsel for the NRA, wrote in a complaint filed by the group. “The Ordinance, on its face and as applied or threatened to be applied, is unconstitutional because it seeks disclosure of Plaintiffs’ political beliefs and associations solely for the purpose of withholding government contracts.”

Los Angeles ordinance 186000 took effect on April 1, 2019. The ordinance requires nearly anyone doing nearly any work for the city to tell the city whether it sponsors the NRA or even if it merely has contracts with the gun rights organization. The ordinance states the disclosure is designed to ensure the city doesn’t do business with contractors that may not support council members’ gun-control positions.  more here

8 Comments on NRA Sues L.A. for Requiring Contractors to Disclose Support for Group

  1. The ABA will overlook the, um, inadequacies of all their city attorneys. Would be good to know exactly which degree mill they acquired their legal education from.

    I’d sure like to hear them argue the case against this Supreme Court.

  2. Government has become a weapon for those wielding it to use against their opponents the way the gladiators wielded swords against each other in the days of Rome.

    Denying its use to one side, or one side not knowing how to use it, insures victory for the other.

  3. “Government has become a weapon for those wielding it to use against their opponents the way the gladiators wielded swords against each other in the days of Rome.”

    …not exactly, @Anonymous, because in Roman gladiatorial duels, they at LEAST saw to it that both gladiators were somewhat matched and equipped.

    Modern politics insists on disarming only ONE side, THEN screaming about it if their disarmed opponent attempts to defend themselves bare-handed against their fully armored and armed opponent…

    …It’s not even a spectacle. There’s no interest in fairness. They want us thoroughly beaten down or completely DEAD, and will use any means necessary to bring that about…


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