McCain Family to Support Biden Against Trump in 2020 Campaign – IOTW Report

McCain Family to Support Biden Against Trump in 2020 Campaign


ET: The late Senator John McCain’s family will support former Vice President Joe Biden as he plans to officially announce his candidacy for the 2020 election on April 25, the Washington Examiner reported. But Cindy McCain put out a statement on Twitter saying that she would not get involved in the campaign: “Joe Biden is a wonderful man and dear friend of the McCain Family. However, I have no intention of getting involved in presidential politics.”

The news should not come as a surprise considering the personal conflict that was dramatized during the 2016 election between Donald Trump and the Republican establishment, personified in a way by John McCain.    MORE HERE

29 Comments on McCain Family to Support Biden Against Trump in 2020 Campaign

  1. Support which ever loser you feel like supporting, McCain family. Gropin’ Joe Biden’s chances are about one in a million, but go ahead and see if you can make even bigger fools of yourselves.

  2. So Trump gave the McCain family everything they asked for. McCain got a POTUS funeral though he didn’t earn it. They were paid out handsomely, given access to anything they requested and he stayed away from the funeral, allowed them to trash him mercilessly and he still called for the flags to be lowered for a month. This is the return. They can’t just keep their mouths shut, they have to be like the Bush family and brag about voting for Hillary. Who doesn’t have class?! Sadly they all departed this world, although I have to admit I enjoy knowing it was under a Trump presidency where they saw they’d become obsolete.

  3. Saxindacity
    APRIL 26, 2019 AT 8:13 AM
    “Isn’t that special – McCain’s family is carrying on his legacy of being an asshole”

    …and Romney picked up the traitor’s torch for him in the Senate, so except for not having to look at his big flapping jowls on TV, it’s like Songbird never left…

  4. aleon
    APRIL 26, 2019 AT 8:33 AM
    “Ah yes, the old democratic trick of voting from the grave.”

    …he pretty much voted Dem when he was alive, too, so again, nothing’s changed…

  5. “The establishment mafia sticks together, thick and thin.”

    …good choice of words, @cato, because the concept of omerta applies to the Uniparty and their presstitues as well, just like it does with the Family…

  6. The Bushes/McCains/Romneys of the world hate us. They despise us and they resent having to seek our votes. We are an embarrassment to them when they hang out with their elitist friends.

    Imagine being a liberal and having a party that is actually proud to represent you. Must be nice.

  7. If Barr really does a true investigation of the dossier and how it figured in the FISA warrants scandal McCain is not going to come out of it looking very good. Then it will a race between the two families on which will dump the other first. Biden being caught and possibly prosecuted for aiding his son in both perverting Ukrainian justice and aiding his son in fraud or the McCains when it’s shown that the good Senator was either a witless dupe whose hatred of Trump had him being used as a tool by the Dems or a willing co-conspirator of an effort to use government anti-terror tools to first spy on the opponents presidential campaign then try to remove a sitting President.


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