NRA Sues Over California Ammunition Controls – IOTW Report

NRA Sues Over California Ammunition Controls

Breitbart CA: The NRA joined with the California Rifle and Pistol Association in suing California over the law limiting Californians to purchasing ammunition from in-state vendors only.

The suit was filed in the name of California resident and six-time Olympic gold medalist, Kim Rhode.

According to CBS 8, the suit also focused on the coming January 1, 2019, requirement that would-be ammo buyers pass a background check for ammunition, similar to that passed when purchasing a firearm.  read more

23 Comments on NRA Sues Over California Ammunition Controls

  1. I got a buddy in California that bought a .41 magnum
    I torment him with how much it cost him to buy ammo for his boat anchor.
    (now, I might make fun of him, but I would not want to get smacked with that big boy)

  2. Try to imagine what other ham-stringing, over-controlling Third-World laws they’ll pass if this one is allowed to set a precedent! Hey California! Welcome to the new Communism of unnecessary, over-reaching, over-bearing, Politically Correct, high-handed, autocratic laws and regulation:
    Dreamed up by Left-Wing, Progressive Rats.
    Approved by old-school USSR Communists!

  3. It’s an attempt at back door registration. They’re trying to tie the data base of registered guns into their Amo Back Ground check system. So if you try and purchase ammo in a caliber of gun you don’t have registered, you can’t buy that caliber of ammo until you register the gun. The odds of them eventually tying those two systems together are slim. But that is their intent.

  4. Just talking to a Friend from England…He says the Olympic

    Shooting Team is not allowed to have their Rifles in England

    They must store them/Practice in another Country.

    California is trying to catch up.

  5. @ Goldenfox and Sgt. J-
    Commies did their homework on this one. Backdoor legislation, not an initiative.
    The CA restrictions include prohibitions on importing ammo, even by private citizens.
    There has been speculation that stamps be applied to ammunition (similar to those on cigarettes) to identify “CA legal” ammo at border inspection stations. Current surveillance tech. could easily be used to flag {certain} vehicles upon entry. Violators would face significant penalties.

    It remains to be seen how this will play out.
    It would require considerable LEO effort and substantial funding at a time when the state’s finances are in disarray. Noncompliance will instantly create an entirely new class of (previously law-abiding) “criminals.”
    I doubt the lawsuit can win in CA courts or in the 9th Circuit. With luck an injunction might be obtained during litigation. There might be grounds for Constitutional challenges in Federal Court.

    And by the way, this shit is happening in other states as well.

  6. Brad-
    Well that couldn’t hurt but the memory of Justice Roberts’ sellout
    is still fresh in my mind.
    I expect the initial reaction by gun owners will be massive noncompliance, followed by an exodus from Commiefornia.

    Which will pose a new dynamic: the State gains a population composed mainly of unarmed subjects, dependent and easily controlled, and incapable of rebellion.
    The potentially troublesome elements are neutralized, either by their absence or as Enemies Of the State.
    Coincidentally, the remaining voters will solidify under a single Party bloc. (As did the National Socialists in the 1930s.)
    Balance of power will tip to the Gov’t.

    It is impossible to believe this is accidental.
    Hogwash. It is simply a power grab disguised as Security and Safety.
    Sold by the Ministry of Information, abetted by the Department of Education and legitimized by the Department of Justice.

    Incidentally, it is exactly this class of usurpers the Founders had in mind when the Bill of Rights was ratified.

    Welcome to the Future.

  7. ‘Bout time the NRA woke up, got off their dead duffs, and started the ball rolling on this.
    Now my fear is, what “compromise” will the NRA offer? They’ve done it before. Odds are they’ll do it again. Just wait and watch.

  8. Four .45s

    Your thinking is exactly like mine. Including motivation, and the Department of Education. Our own special little Hitler Youth camp. The Department of Education wheels a big sword in this state. Maybe the biggest.
    Northern California won’t participate in succession from The U.S. They will instead split from California, Nor will Northern California continue with no representation. There’s a lot of angry people in the north part of the state. If Newsom gets elected, which he probably will, full blown Socialism is two years away. My question is this. If the north decides to rebel against the state, who will the state use to enforce their will on the north? The National Guard. I don’t think so. CalDoj? They better start recruiting quickly. CHP? Nope. I don’t see the Feds stepping in. California is out gunned. And they haven’t figured it out yet.

  9. This legislation should be challenged under the Commerce Clause of the Constitution. What California is doing is interfering with interstate commerce, and this is what the Commerce Clause was designed to prevent. If this legislative scheme is upheld, then the ramifications on other interstate commerce could be enormous with various states effectively restricting or even prohibiting the import of products from other states.

    Uh, Wyatt – isn’t the Commerce Clause just a tiny bit of language in the Constitution? Yes, but it is vitally important to the expansion of Federal government power. Congress is able to make laws impacting the entire nation because of the effect on interstate commerce of particular actions or inactions – even actions that only occur in one state. The reasoning behind the Supreme Court decisions that upheld Federal legislation based on the the Commerce Clause seems almost childish in my opinion, but there it is.

  10. If any gun owner in Kalifornication wants to circumvent these illegal laws, and is too far from the border to drive to get their own ammunition, contact IOTWR admin to give you my email address.
    I’m willing to go out, find, buy, and ship the ammo to you at no profit to me. Purchase at a store or online. If purchase online, it would ship to me, and I would repackage it in “a plain brown wrapper”. (how many remember THAT term?) Payable by PayPal.
    Thanks for allowing me to post this here.

  11. Was typing up this long diatribe and then thought why bore everyone…

    Bottom line is if you’re going to “stock pile” components, you’re going to way UNDER ESTIMATE what you think you’ll need. Take it for what it’s worth you need to at least DOUBLE what you think will be enough to last you. Not to mention that when the herd starts panic buying it can get really ugly. Some of you might recall recent history of “no primers” and high prices if you could find them. (Illinois)

    You can have all the brass, powder and bullets in the world, but if you got no primers… No bang! No ammo the gun is a boat anchor.

    Some have suggested that it’s “Nucking Futs” to have “that many primers” on hand. When you have the ability to keep pulling down the handle on the press and they don’t, who’s wrong?


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