NRCC Sends Moving Boxes To Swing District Dems, After Impeachment Vote – IOTW Report

NRCC Sends Moving Boxes To Swing District Dems, After Impeachment Vote

USA Today

The National Republican Congressional Committee sent packing boxes to several House Democrats who represent battleground states to signify they’ll need them as “moving boxes” next November, prompting Capitol Hill police to investigate them as suspicious packages.

The boxes were delivered outside the offices of Reps. Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.), Jennifer Wexton (D-Va.), Conor Lamb (D-Pa.) and others to indicate they will not be in office much longer because of their participation into the impeachment investigation of President Donald Trump.

The sealed boxes were adorned with bows and a message that read “Get packing!” More

14 Comments on NRCC Sends Moving Boxes To Swing District Dems, After Impeachment Vote

  1. That’s cute and all and may be worth it if it persuades them to vote against the party however that’s damn unlikely so why not save the money for a full page ad in that reps newspaper that outlines the so called “evidence” that Schiff and his cronies have amassed to justify this coup. Don’t forget the Russian witch hunt which amounted to zero.

  2. @scr_north November 1, 2019 at 10:27 am

    > why not save the money for a full page ad in that reps newspaper

    How much do you think it costs to send a few empty boxes to the offices of the “representatives” of empty headed illiterates?

  3. Excellent trolling of the DildoCrats! Love it!
    Maybe I should send one to Mittens office, just to let him know that I don’t support him for another term in office. (I didn’t support him for this term, either)

  4. LAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMBCHOP – with Nancy Pelosi’s FIST up yer ass!!! 😡

    That’s one who never shoulda UN-packed in the FIRST place. If we could actually field a DECENT candidate, he’ll be outta that seat faster than an Iraqi fighter pilot in Operation Desert Storm!!!!

  5. Just to make sure they KNOW they’re being insulted, I would have sent them a full complement of job applications for fast-food franchises along with the boxes.
    “Welcome to Wendy’s!”

  6. At last, the NRCC has pulled its head out of its ass and is taking lessons from the people at Trump’s campaign HQ.

    Trump’s people are so good they don’t need to resort to ratfucking

  7. wonder how Tucker Carlson feels about his new girlfriend, Tulsi Gabbard, voting for this charade? …. didn’t come up at all last night (or did I miss it?)

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