‘Nuclear’ Review: Oliver Stone’s New Documentary Makes a Powerful Case for Nuclear Power – IOTW Report

‘Nuclear’ Review: Oliver Stone’s New Documentary Makes a Powerful Case for Nuclear Power


In “Nuclear,” his intensely compelling, must-see documentary, Oliver Stone makes the vital and historical case that nuclear power has been the victim of a perception/reality conundrum, one that is now in the process of being overturned. The perception is that nuclear power is dangerous: too dangerous to be an essential component of providing our energy needs. The reality, argues Stone, is that nuclear power is clean, abundant, and safe, and that the ominous fact of our energy crisis — the looming catastrophe of climate change, the hopeful but stubbornly incremental growth of renewables like wind and solar — is too urgent for nuclear power not to be an essential component of providing our energy needs.

Those are the two sides of the debate, and they’ve been entrenched for so long that it’s hard, at a glance, to see much possibility for change. But that’s where a documentary like “Nuclear” comes in. I think the movie, viewed with open eyes, could influence people’s ideas on the nuclear-power issue the way that “An Inconvenient Truth” moved the needle on climate change.

For decades, there has been a primal fear of all things associated with the word nuclear. The protest movements against nuclear power that took root in the late ’70s and early ’80s lumped all of “nuclear” into one bucket: nuclear weapons and nuclear energy. It was all…bad. That’s why leftist-activist types, in the No Nukes era, made a cult fetish of mispronouncing the word “nuclear” as “nuke-ular.” They were saying, in essence: the possibility of being nuked is inherent in this technology. Therefore it must be treated as toxic.


ht/ marco

17 Comments on ‘Nuclear’ Review: Oliver Stone’s New Documentary Makes a Powerful Case for Nuclear Power

  1. I put Oliver Stone in the same basket as Michael Moore, more wrong than right and incapable of getting out of the way of his own clumsy Agenda.

    Some unassailable truths libs can’t wrap their head around;

    Renewables are NOT ready for primetime.
    A man can not become a woman or have babies.
    Gender-affirming care is child abuse.
    Life is not fair.
    You are not special and do not deserve special treatment.
    ALL lives matter.
    Wrong speak or wrong think is not a crime.

  2. Oliver Stone wuz gonna make a nuclear John Holmes flic, but Johnny’s a wee bit demented now. Anyway I hear that the going fad these days, soooo…. “In case of fallout, re-insert and shorten the stroke!”

  3. Speaking of weird libtards, but I repeat myself, Richard Dreyfuss. Dudes gone all off the charts Constitutional Crazy. He’s even written a book trying to convince educators to start teaching the Constitution in school again. No I’m not drunk. Yet.

  4. Boy, next thing you know, Jane Fonda will start going to church, or Rob Reiner will speak on the necessity of a balanced budget.

    I wonder if retirement severed the need for conformity and now he feels able to speak his mind, unshackled from the group-think necessary to get work?

  5. Side note – I want a thorium powered car.
    They tried to develop a nuclear airplane in the 50s using the molten salt reactor concept. It was too heavy. Maybe not for a car though…

  6. The problem is the grid and utilities et al.
    Terra Power isn’t serious, other SMR designs Vang get built because they lack funding from actual investors, Micro-RX’s will see the light of day but on .mil bases only. API-1000 is DOA, NRC has lost its damn mind.

    Basically, nuclear is on life support just like the rest of the infrastructure in the US.

    Only answer is a complete reversal of local and state governments which means all us commenters need to start running for local office.

  7. Just posted Oliver Stone’s “Nuclear” preview at the Bullpen.

    S.O.S. (same old shit)! STONE(D) states that we must get rid of 100% Human-Generated CO2 and replace all “fossil fuel” with nuclear.

    It’s really going to be hilarious after the Climate Bolsheviks actually remove that 100%. Because, no one will find any appreciable change in CO2 levels nor in temperature, except that Western Civilization went bankrupt from the process and disappeared under the fascist boot of the “New World” WEF fanatics now owning ALL the marbles of a now penniless, dead, starving and/or dying World population.


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