Numerous National Guardsmen Testing Positive For COVID After D.C. Deployment – IOTW Report

Numerous National Guardsmen Testing Positive For COVID After D.C. Deployment

Daily Wire

There are already hundreds of National Guard troops who have reportedly tested positive for the novel coronavirus who have been forced to quarantine since serving to secure the inauguration of President Joe Biden in Washington, D.C., which took place on Wednesday.

Three Guard sources told POLITICO that hundreds of Guard members have already tested positive for Covid-19 or are quarantining in nearby hotels. More

12 Comments on Numerous National Guardsmen Testing Positive For COVID After D.C. Deployment

  1. Focus, people:

    “…since serving to secure the inauguration of President Joe Biden…”

    Who writes this propaganda? At best “secure” needs to be in quotes. “Brought in after purported threats to the bastard-elect and the snowflakes” is more accurate.

  2. Don’t bunch up!! Protecting the Washington political supremacists from the invisible conservative boogie men, generated hundreds of super spreaders, packed in a garage without masks, to send back home. Another great call from lame leaders.

  3. Let joe extend his arms around DC and he will cure them. That’s paraphrasing what some lefty reporter said the other day.

    Yeah, no one is suspicious that a week ago, no one could leave, but today, in several controlavirus affected cities, you’re free to move about the cabin.
    ugh. EABOD!!!!


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