Nunes Details Flaws in Mueller Report, Compares It to Steele Dossier – IOTW Report

Nunes Details Flaws in Mueller Report, Compares It to Steele Dossier

Epoch Times:

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, sharply criticized the Mueller report during a June 12 hearing, saying the report failed to address key players and irregularities in the FBI’s investigation, and selectively edited certain information.

Nunes also called out his Democratic counterparts, saying that former special counsel Robert Mueller’s report did debunk many of the false claims of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia that had been perpetuated by Democrats, including members of the House Intelligence Committee.

Witnesses at the hearing—titled “Lessons from the Mueller Report: Counterintelligence Implications of Volume 1″—included Robert Anderson and Stephanie Douglas, described by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) as former executives from the FBI’s counterintelligence division. Left out of Schiff’s description of Anderson and Douglas was that both witnesses had worked under former FBI Director Mueller prior to his role as special counsel.

In his opening statement, Nunes noted that allegations of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign were perpetuated by Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee more than two years ago.

“The entire scheme has now imploded and the collusion accusation has been exposed as a hoax,” Nunes said.

Nunes then summed up the catch-22 position that Democrats now appear to find themselves in:

“But it’s clear they couldn’t stop this grotesque spectacle even if they wanted to. After years of false accusations and McCarthyite smears, the collusion hoax now defines the Democratic Party. The hoax is what they have in place of a governing philosophy or a constructive vision for our country.”

Nunes criticized the testimony of Anderson and Douglas, noting: “I’m just shocked that there’s not more former DOJ and FBI officials who aren’t out there saying, ‘Look, this is wrong’ … This counterintelligence department over at the FBI, I think, is in big trouble. The fact that you guys are sitting here, former FBI officials, and not saying, basically making the case that it’s okay to use these very special powers to target a political campaign, it really troubles me.”

As an example, Nunes brought up the Trump Tower meeting that took place on June 9, 2016, and highlighted the fact that Fusion GPS, which employed Christopher Steele, was actually working for Russians in the Prevezon case at the same time that they were working for the Clinton campaign. Nunes asked the Democrat witnesses if they were aware of this potential conflict. Notably, neither Anderson nor Douglas had knowledge of Fusion’s dual roles.

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2 Comments on Nunes Details Flaws in Mueller Report, Compares It to Steele Dossier

  1. From the contributions to this post one can conclude…we grow tired!!

    I know the wheels of justice are slow, but this is darn right sloth like…it’s the fighting conditions within the Swamp it’s hard not to get bogged down.


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