Nunes Files Racketeering Lawsuit Against Fusion GPS – IOTW Report

Nunes Files Racketeering Lawsuit Against Fusion GPS

Washington Examiner

Congressman Devin Nunes filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday against opposition research firm Fusion GPS, its founder Glenn Simpson, and left-leaning watchdog group Campaign for Accountability, accusing them of “racketeering” and interfering with his congressional Trump-Russia investigation.

Nunes, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee until Democrats won the majority in 2018, claimed that Simpson, Fusion GPS, and the Campaign for Accountability illegally conspired to “harass” him in an attempt to “hinder, delay, prevent, or dissuade” him from looking into issues surrounding the federal investigation into the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and to scare him off from investigating possible wrongdoing by Simpson and Fusion GPS. More

4 Comments on Nunes Files Racketeering Lawsuit Against Fusion GPS

  1. What good willt his do? he UNIPARTY has been naming the judges for 16 of the last 18 years. What will a UIP;ARTY judged do? What the “Wizzer” did, thats what!

    this seems to be a STUNT!

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