Nunes: Military Is Targeting Republican Naval Officers with Phony Investigations to Get Them Kicked Out of the Military (VIDEO) – IOTW Report

Nunes: Military Is Targeting Republican Naval Officers with Phony Investigations to Get Them Kicked Out of the Military (VIDEO)

Gateway Pundit-

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning.

Rep. Nunes, who revealed the details of the US government and FBI spying on candidate and then President Trump, told Maria the US government is still harassing, spying on and targeting conservatives in the US government.

On Sunday Nunes said the NSA is targeting conservative naval officers and putting them under phony investigations to drive them from the military!

Rep. Devin Nunes: The NSA, part of our military, they’re actually targeting naval officers, Republican naval officers, they’re putting them under phony investigations in order to kick Republicans out of the military. That’s effectively what happens. I asked General Nakasone this and his answers were pretty muddy.

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11 Comments on Nunes: Military Is Targeting Republican Naval Officers with Phony Investigations to Get Them Kicked Out of the Military (VIDEO)

  1. Mao said ,”Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun”, they will need the military, a loyal pliant military to crush the uprising that is inevitable in response to their unpopular edicts.

  2. Absolutely appalling, the Anti-Americans are constantly showing themselves, yet, NOTHING is being done about it.

    They should be targeted by patriots, no questions asked.

  3. Anyone have any thought on Mcraven?
    There was a fluff piece on him today but I have no idea about his track record or politics. I have seen both favorable & not in various articles.

  4. I guess this just means that when those warmongers in the deep state agitate too far and get the war they’ve been hoping for, republican officers will be safely out of harm’s way.

    At this point, I don’t care the military is being taken over by commies and queers. Put them on the front lines.

  5. I have been telling people for years to watch for the Black Prince Hall Masons in the military, The Army is ruined, sucks to be White unless you can be in Special Ops. The Navy is really close to being a totally Black Operation too, thanks to Prince Hall.

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