Nursery Rhymes – IOTW Report

Nursery Rhymes

The Epoch Times – These traditional nursery rhymes, such as the Mother Goose collections, have real staying power, both in the human mind and in society writ large. Rhymes remain engraved in the mind and memory, enduring over decades and resurfacing at the end of life, even when many other memories are gone. I’m sure there are scientific reasons for this. But I believe there are also poetic reasons,


h/t Ann Nonymous Prime

22 Comments on Nursery Rhymes

  1. I’m worried that when I start losing my memory, I will recall the questionable limericks I learned instead of Mother Goose. It will still be educational – just probably not what the parents intended.

  2. Little kids like the interactive ones like patty cake Baker’s Man and this little pig went to market. I do like Dif Tim’s new one too think two fists rubbing their eyes!

  3. @wonky honky:

    Hey Wyatt,
    It’s St. Paddy’s day;
    There once was a man from Nantucket…

    With ear hair so long he could tuck it
    Behind and around
    From his chin to his crown
    And he swore that he never would pluck it.

  4. @geoff — Also from Mad (in the very early days):

    Thirty days hath Septumber
    April, June, and no wonder
    All the rest have peanut butter
    Except my grandma who has a little red tricycle

    OK, not a nursery rhyme, but sort of in the same file cabinet drawer.

  5. Although I thought they were hilarious at the time, I’m afraid I may never know the real fables behind Bullwinkle’s “Aesop & Son” segment, which gave kids a skewed version of the real fable. They were very entertaining!


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