Nutbag on NBC says Trump is sending a symbolic signal to neo-Nazis – IOTW Report

Nutbag on NBC says Trump is sending a symbolic signal to neo-Nazis

This has to be seen to be believed. We need to chase these idiots down with the butterfly nets.

ht/ hot salsa

18 Comments on Nutbag on NBC says Trump is sending a symbolic signal to neo-Nazis

  1. Exactly. Trump is the 45th president. 4 plus 5 equals 9. Or, in German, NEIN!! As in NEIN to American styled Democracy and HEIL YES to fascism.

    It’s all so easy to understand once you hit yourself over the head with a hammer 4 or 12 times.

  2. …wait, that’s not ALL.

    …Hitler’s lady was Eva Braun and President Trump shaves with a Braun razor, therefore it’s like he’s symbolically having Eva Braun rub HIS face just like she did Hitler’s, or something…


    …whatever happened to Godwin’s Law, and can we PLEASE apply it to the media by Executive Order?

    …or would that be too Nazi?..

  3. …an “8” turned sideways means “infinity”, so let the media know that, if they look at it SIDEWAYS, the President is ACTUALLY signalling secretly that he plans to be President, not just for LIFE, but for INFINITY x 2…

    …then sit back and watch their heads ‘splode all over again…

  4. Since a (any) symbol only has meaning to one to whom the symbolically symbolistic symbol has any relevance, whatsoever, then nutbag is admitting that he’s a neo-National Socialist immured in the symbolic symbolism of Socialism.

    And his exposure should be a cymbal crash of symbolism to the symbolistically symbolically symbolated.

    izlamo delenda est …


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