Nutball Mandy Patinkin’s Asinine Rhetoric Goes Unchallenged By Lib Talking Head – IOTW Report

Nutball Mandy Patinkin’s Asinine Rhetoric Goes Unchallenged By Lib Talking Head

Mandy Patinkin goes for the big lie and slips it past the lax goalie Chuck Todd.
He says Muslims are the fabric of what makes America great. (????)
He says Muslims have made monumental contributions to mankind. (???????????????)
And then the whopper of them all- no refugees have committed a single act of terrorism in the United States, and they are the safest of all citizens.

As a Jew (self-loathing), Patinkin must have been heavily influenced by Hitler’s Big Lie theory.

20 muslim refugees that have committed jihad terror in the U.S.

22 Comments on Nutball Mandy Patinkin’s Asinine Rhetoric Goes Unchallenged By Lib Talking Head

  1. Marginally off topic, but have you guys seen For. Chuck Todd’s commercial with the basketball? It is hilarious. Trying to make that mouse look “tough” is so absurd. Easily my favorite commercial right meow. At the end when he delivers his toughest of tough talk, he looks like he’s going to be physically sick. That or he has too much sand in his vagina. I wonder how many takes that took. Good times. Happy Easter iotw family

  2. The only contributions Islam has made the to civilized world are, not burning every library they encountered, they missed a few, not cutting off the head of every infidel, they missed a few. If they are so adept at science, how is it they can’t even copy an 75 year old American invention? There is no evidence that they had any interest in science before they left the Arab peninsula, nor is there any evidence that they took it with them when they left India and the Mediterranean region of Europe. They are Bronze age goat rapists, at best.

  3. “Mandy Patinkin goes for the big lie and slips it past the lax goalie Chuck Todd.”

    ‘Slips it past’ Chuckie! Ha! Chuckle probably wrote the piece, or peed his pants in joy at the dribble being spewed.

  4. Patinkin is just another Hollywood pseudo-intellectual who has agents, managers and hanger-on’s telling him how smart he is and how he ought to get involved. He just another lefty spouting the same buzz-phrases, lies and half-truths that the left always drag out when discussing Islam. I’d like to see him in front of Tucker for about 5 minutes because that how long it would take for Tucker to destroy him and show him for what he is. The sight of Mandy, red faced, huffing, hurling obscenities while trying to tear his mic of would be priceless.

  5. I assumed he was a standard Hollywood Lefty.
    But this sets a new low even for brainwashed self-loathing Jews.

    I’m so disgusted I can’t even manage a Princess Bride reference.

  6. Never heard of him. I don’t do pop culture.
    I don’t wish to hear his opinion nor any of his fellow actrons. They’re no more qualified to publicly pontificate than I am, or my AC service guy, or my appliance repair man.

    Actually all three of us are smarter than that empty vessel.

    Aaaaand that is why hollyweird is dying. Not one nickel for these foolish people.
    That a purported news organization gave him a stage is disgraceful.

    The dude makes his living playing make believe

  7. all US news and commentary shows should be required to use only certain images for their green screen backgrounds:
    – 9/11 jumpers
    – women being stoned
    – aftermath of various moslem atrocities …

    This should include daily show, oprah, SNL – any that open their mouths about politics at all.

    I’d also like them to read a list of ohole’s policy acheivements, before every criticism of current policy.

    Call it the “fairness doctrine”

  8. MandyPat is the poster-boy for The Hollywood DumFux. I have to stop asking “How can you people be so goddam stupid!”, because they keep finding ways to exceed the limit!

  9. Muslim contributions to the United States? I can think of at least three:

    (1) Muslim raiders made The Silk Road a non-viable trade route between Europe and the Far East, leading to the search for alternate routes. Most ships travelled south around the Cape of Good Hope, and then east to India and China.

    An Italian guy named Columbus talked the Spanish Crown into sponsoring his attempt to find a westward sea route. While on the way, his expedition unexpectedly ran into the an unknown body of land, which eventually came to be known as “the new world”, or (more contemporarily) “the western hemisphere”.

    So in a roundabout way, the discovery of the land that would eventually become America was due to the need to escape Muslim murder and theft.

    (2) While this one is only partially due to Muslims, the infant USA first formed it’s Navy and Marine Corps in response to Muslim piracy in the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean sea. These battle are at least partially enshrined in the Marine Corps hymn itself with the words describing fighting on “…the shores of Tripoli…”.

    (3) Lastly, and most recently, Muslims have contributed to the massive decline in air travel services after slightly over a dozen members of their (not at all) peace-loving faith murdered 3000 people on the 11th of September, 2001.

    That’s just off the top of my head. I’m sure there are a few more.

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