Nutroots Nation panel has a plan to defeat Trump because Bush is Hitler!11!!! – IOTW Report

Nutroots Nation panel has a plan to defeat Trump because Bush is Hitler!11!!!

Birds of a feather sniff paint together.

WFB: One panel at the left-wing activist gathering Netroots Nation compares George W. Bush to Adolf Hitler and will strategize how to oppose President Donald Trump should a 9/11-like national tragedy cause people to rally around him.

The online description of the panel, which will feature leaders of and the ACLU, draws parallels between Hitler and Bush by suggesting the latter similarly used a national security threat to advance his agenda. It reads, “Hitler used the Reichstag Fire; Putin used the 1999 apartment bombings; and George W. Bush used 9/11,” the Washington Post reports.

Many historians consider the Reichstag Fire a Nazi-ordered false flag to help Hitler consolidate power. The suggestion that 9/11 was an inside job by the Bush administration is a long-held conspiracy theory by fringe figures.  read more 

10 Comments on Nutroots Nation panel has a plan to defeat Trump because Bush is Hitler!11!!!

  1. America did suffer a 9/11-like attack that caused the people to rally around trump.
    The attack was led by a undocumented Usurper and permitted by a do-nothing Congress and a get-along Supreme Court.

  2. Projection again from the doucheripples who nodded their heads sagely at this:

    “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”


    Open Borders: rapists, drug-mules, terrorists, pedophiles
    ISIS Apologists
    Global Warming
    Foreign terrorist-coddling
    Failing Obamacare

    OF COURSE they are going to attack Trump. That’s the same campaign that Hillary was forced to use.

  4. If you haven’t yet watched Dinesh D’Souza’s speech at the YAF conference this year, I highly, highly recommend it. It’s a different D’Souza. He’s been changed by being incarcerated by obama/clinton. His speech is the main points of his new book The Big Lie, and it is powerful. It takes the whole anti-fa and the roots of Hitler’s policies head on. It is ground-breaking research and it is gripping.

    It is also delightful to see all the young people who are so fresh and earnest to promote conservatism.

    You can find the video on YT. And the money you don’t send to the GOP/RNC, you can send to YAF.

  5. These poor fools don’t know their historical ass from their elbow. Hitler was pushing National Socialism which is on the far left fringe. W was a Republican and was on the right side of the spectrum. W did not have a mustache or fought in WW1, there are no similarities, like calling an orange an apple. Not very clever!

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