NUTS: Joe Biden Releases $2 Trillion ‘Climate Agenda’ Inspired By Green New Deal – IOTW Report

NUTS: Joe Biden Releases $2 Trillion ‘Climate Agenda’ Inspired By Green New Deal

Geller Report:

Tilting at windmills. Pun intended.

The Left will destroy this country if they take power in November. Support President Trump in November, America! MORE

9 Comments on NUTS: Joe Biden Releases $2 Trillion ‘Climate Agenda’ Inspired By Green New Deal

  1. @B_B ~ they’re not trying to reel him in … this was written by staffers (it’s all ‘Biden’s Campaign’…. Creepy Joe doesn’t have a clue about this … they think this is a winning strategy!

    … same way 2-man subs & kamikazes were for the Japanese in WWII


    I’ve always been under the impression the RNC and especially the DNC get heavily involved with policy for their respective campaigns. I dunno.
    Yesterday’s news, “Trump closes 10 points on Biden nationally. This mornings news on FOX, Trump continues to lose ground to Biden.
    FOX sucks

  3. Aaaaaaannnnnnnd we also know that whutever the Left is hanging out there is only the tip of the iceberg that they intend to hit the United States with! If given the power they will decimate America like the proverbial cloud of locusts and it will happen fast!
    The democRATs don’t have a candidate. They have face with no brain that they slapped on their radical agenda that they bring out of the closet every now and then to mime their talking points to give him so-called “legitamacy”! The man is a functional kumquat!


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