Nutty Claim Has Trump Suffering From Bathmophobia – IOTW Report

Nutty Claim Has Trump Suffering From Bathmophobia

The obscure truth about THAT picture: Theresa May had to take hold of Donald Trump’s hand because ‘the US President has BATHMOPHOBIA’ – a fear of falling down steps and slopes!

  • Theresa May was snapped holding Donald Trump’s hand at the White House
  • A tender explanation has emerged from a senior government source
  • The germaphobe is also said to be scared of slipping on stairs and slopes
  • He is said to have clung to Mrs May for support as they walked down an unseen slope 

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ht/all too much

18 Comments on Nutty Claim Has Trump Suffering From Bathmophobia

  1. He looked like he was trying to get away from her. lol.
    OK if he’s holding her hand because he’s afraid of falling, then hillary was coughing because she’s afraid of air.


  2. MSNBC reported that he tried to grab her by the p….y but she fought him off with an ancient one handed Brazilian jiu-jitso, however, at the same time CNN reported she was trying to grab him by the ba..s.

    The news today, just wow..

  3. A few days ago the left wanted to take Trump down because he hopped out of limo and shot up the stairs without holding his lovely wife’s hand. How demeaning. Barry would have slung his lover over his shoulders in such a manner that lover’s genitals would have been in Barry’s face. Mooch would have been pissed.

  4. I’m claustrophobic and I did 23 years on
    submarines. Fock the media and their fake
    news.They’d make a whole tv series about how
    he puts his shoes on in the morning different from
    other people.

  5. What was the phobia when Bush held hands with Saudi Prince Abdullah?
    I don’t trust Theresa May, especially after Friday’s meeting with President Trump looking for trade commitments, then issuing a statement on Saturday condemning his immigration policies.
    Obviously she didn’t read her copy of Art of the Deal.

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