Nutty professor wants some Charleston attention – IOTW Report

Nutty professor wants some Charleston attention

Michigan Prof Blames Charleston Shooting On Jews, Islamophobia.

juan cole michigan nutty professor

DailyCaller– Juan Cole, a professor of history at the University of Michigan, claims right-wing Jews and an “Islampohobic network” were “a key influence” to Dylann Roof’s rampage that killed nine people at a black church in Charleston, S.C.

“The Muslim-hatred of the Geert Wilders and Marine LePens in Europe, for which Daniel Pipes, and Pamela Geller, and the whole Islamophobic network are cheerleaders and enablers, was a key influence on Dylann Roof, according to his manifesto,” Cole writes on his popular blog, Informed Comment.

But as The College Fix points out, and one commenter noted, Roof’s manifesto makes no mention of Pipes, Geller, Wilders, Muslims, or Islam.


15 Comments on Nutty professor wants some Charleston attention

  1. Actually his logic is very easy to follow. You can use it too..

    Back about 15 years ago the algores of the world said we would all be essentially dead or living in hell on earth thanks to climate change. It’s the normal world phobia that caused Roof to do what he did. He, his parents, his friends, everyone around him was expecting a different outcome in which they were prepared for, but it did not manifest. He spent a decade and a half preparing for complete destruction of the earth — and wanted badly to see it, if only in part.

  2. isn’t this professor, one person who should be denied the right to own firearms. isn’t he just another institutionally educated leftwing nut job on a crusade to create their version of utopia. go ahead and arm him and he will eliminate the people who are making this a living hell and not his version of utopia.

    this kid killed because of excess government involvement in all our lives, period.

    most all societal problems today are a result of previous government solutions to a problem.

  3. @Nobama, you’re trying to muddle the issue with facts.
    And you’re forgetting one of the Cardinal Rules:
    “Never let a serious crisis go to waste.”
    – Sir Winston Churchill

  4. This puke, and hundreds of thousands of others just like him, are abusing children and young adults by force feeding them this bilge – AND WE’RE PAYING FOR IT!

    Are we gonna wake up, or wait for the Caliph to cut our fucking heads off?

  5. Modern Liberalism is:
    Saying words because they sound nice, rather than the meaning they impart
    All so Liberals can talk and talk and sound like a guy who ‘gets things done’ and as long as the words are reasonably big, and the points so obtuse as to be non understandable, the average Liberal Idiot is mollified and satisfied that something similar to action is occurring.

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