NY City Councilwoman torches illegals who came to complain about the city’s accommodations – IOTW Report

NY City Councilwoman torches illegals who came to complain about the city’s accommodations

NY City Councilwoman Vickie Paladino torches illegals who came to complain about the city’s accommodations: “MORE MORE MORE. How much more are we supposed to do for you?” “I have to ask you all: What motivated you to come here thinking the streets are paved in gold?? They are not.”

12 Comments on NY City Councilwoman torches illegals who came to complain about the city’s accommodations

  1. NYC has enough worthless PoS Ns running around. And yet they’re still importing them because I guess they don’t feel they have enough ne’erdowell, suckerpunching, looting, raping, murdering N scumbags around as it is.

  2. The answer to her question is Biden’s international ad campaign promoting open borders and free stuff. perhaps they need some Dem lawyers to sue for false advertising and breach of contract?

  3. Chair woman tried to shut her up.
    A guy who came here from Morocco some 25+ yrs ago legally told us the Africans think America is rich and we should pay for everything they want.
    sh##thole countries are that way for a reason

  4. Any idjit with one brain cell to rub together could have seen this coming before it even started.
    And yet, here we are.
    What does that say about the ones who not only let the illegals in, but encouraged them to do so?

  5. “Miss Palidino, if you’re not going to rollover and kiss their asses, we need to move on”.

    Jeez, let her talk and point out the problem not beat her brain for a solution to a situation that shouldn’t even exist.

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