NY Dems “Bail Reform” Bill is a Disaster After One Week of Implementation – IOTW Report

NY Dems “Bail Reform” Bill is a Disaster After One Week of Implementation


After an onslaught of bad press over the disastrous first week of Democrat-implemented “bail reform” in New York, Democrats are considering changes to the legislation.

“Democrats are opening the door to changes on New York’s bail reform law as the legislative session begins this week,” a News 10 NBC report outlined on Tuesday.

“Law enforcement officials and Republicans have spent months raising red flags on the changes, but their criticism caught more fervor in the last week as courts across the state have released people who would have remained behind bars under the old rules,” News 10 NBC highlighted.

“We are done laying down and taking it,” warned New York Republican Chairman Nick Langworthy. “We are going to fight back and fight back with authority as Republicans.”


13 Comments on NY Dems “Bail Reform” Bill is a Disaster After One Week of Implementation

  1. “We are going to fight back and fight back with authority as Republicans.”

    Republicans fighting back.

    A refreshing change.

    Trump must finally be having some effect on them.

  2. “… DEMOCRATS ARE CONSIDERING CHANGES TO THE LEGISLATION…” I am pretty sure that 80% of all new legislation is an attempt to correct previous legislation…. fucking idiots!
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

  3. @jellybean January 7, 2020 at 10:36 am

    > wonder if the Republican party had a breaking point when it came to standing up against the commies

    The point when they run out of other people’s money.
    (And not a moment before.)

  4. You Know What I Mean JANUARY 7, 2020 AT 11:18 AM
    Catch and release should only be implemented for angling.

    They’ve been practicing it here in shitcago for a number of years with great success.


    This is success in that the number are downward…

    Preliminary 2019 Totals (vs 2018)
    Shot & Killed: 461 (-7%)
    Shot & Wounded: 2293
    Total Shot: 2754 (-7%)
    Total Homicides: 515 (-13%)


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