The modern left couldn’t do a better job at creating more racism.

I am not responsible for slavery.
We are generations out from slavery.
Black people have cost taxpayers lots of money.
Welfare is reparations.
Not all blacks were slaves.
My descendants came to America after slavery had ended.
It is ridiculous to even float as an academic idea, let alone put into practice.
If this country is going to go deeper into debt because some shitstains see an opportunity for cash they do not deserve, that will be the tipping point. Money is the tipping point.
See the story here.
See the shakedown artist in the picture with the “white liberal woman governor” who wants to sign this into law HERE
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They already did this in California. Our Fem Nazi Governor built up all their hopes as the black grifters kept getting more greedy until our fag Gov had to tap out. Leaving them very pissed. Bottom line is these assholes didn’t pick cotton and none of us owned slaves so fuck off.
What we should be willing to do is a free one way ticket back to their homeland. I’ll chip in.
How about free boat rides?
How about “half way back”, as my Grandfather used to say.
The cure for “systemic racism,” that doesn’t exist, is to create actual systemic racism that does exist?
Makes sense to me, what’s your problem?
Buying votes, same as paying for college costs and free stuff for border invaders. Scam!!!
“Give me a suitcase full of cheap jewelry and the address of that ni__er.”
Punch line of an old joke.
Give em all a $Million each and it’ll be spent in a fortnight. The same grifters (e.g. Sharpton, Jackson, Biden, drug cartels, Colt 45, MadDog 20/20, Cadillac dealerships, &c.) will have collected all of it.
The point of the scam isn’t to help “da po nigrahs,” but for the politicians and grifters to help themselves.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
Although possibly incapable of such deductive thought, Blacks should understand that all the social programs directed to them over the years, including talk of reparations, are designed for one thing – keeping them dependent on the government and assuring their vote for Democrats. Nothing ever done for them has been designed to help them assimlate and become productive members of society. Of course a large percentage of knee grows love the “free shit”, know how to use the system, teach their children the “tricks” and have created generations of parasites and predators.
will they be getting the money from the rich blacks? i ask because the biggest slaveholders appear to be black
As LBJ so famously said, after signing the 1965 Civil Rights Act: “We will have the Ni@@ers voting democrat for 100 years.”
I could agree to reparations with this add-on:
Come up with a cash amount, doesn’t have to be that much, and anyone who accepts it has to leave the country immediately and is banned from ever returning. I’m sure they will enjoy Nigeria, or Zimbabwe or whatever third world sh…hole they go to
One benefit of this law is that huge numbers of the worst segment of the population (those in search of handouts) will be moving to NY and CA, and leaving the more sane states to prosper without their drain on their economy.
I can definitively document that ALL of my ancestors came here in the late 1800s, well after slavery ended. Enough has already been STOLEN from me to pay these folks. Most expensive cotton in history.
Repatriation, of criminals and those who take from society, is a better solution than reparations.
GREAT idea New York. Make it happen. 49 states will thank you as their crime rates plummet, academic scores dramatically improve, and their budgets recover.
Relax. We still have 140 years to go.
Maybe we could pay reparations, but deduct the payments made in the War On Poverty. If that were to happen, they would owe us money.
If reparations were paid, the left would discover how most families on the list of the richest from 100 years ago are no longer on the list — they have squandered the money. Watch as the reparations money disappears within five years. Of course they will ask for more.