NY GOP County Lawmaker Promises to Veto Public Funds for New Bills Stadium if Vax Mandate Remains – IOTW Report

NY GOP County Lawmaker Promises to Veto Public Funds for New Bills Stadium if Vax Mandate Remains

Breitbart: A Republican lawmaker in Erie County, New York, has vowed to veto public funds to construct a new stadium for the Bills if a plan to force fans to provide proof of vaccination remains in place.

Erie County legislator Frank Todaro released a statement on Wednesday, outlining his stance and his firm opposition to “the path we are headed down as a society,” as it pertains to vaccine mandates: more

10 Comments on NY GOP County Lawmaker Promises to Veto Public Funds for New Bills Stadium if Vax Mandate Remains

  1. I’m just going to copy and paste what anonymous said because they are EXACTLY RIGHT:
    Taxpayers should not be paying for stadiums for rich team owners and prima donna children playing games. It’s stupid.

  2. Why do the taxpayers keep allowing sports teams to use them as their piggy banks?

    This happened in Minnesota when we voted on building a new stadium for the Twins. We voted it down twice. Then the State lawmakers passed it anyway. We were furious, but yet, we did nothing.

  3. Tell them that the taxpayers will fund the stadium based on the premise that the team will turn over any gate, TV and all other revenue back to the taxpayers + a rent and occupation fee of one billion dollars per year!!

  4. The ‘proof of vaccination’ thing is nothing more than a deceptive fear tactic issued by a widely despised, limp, and incapable administration which believes it can motivate vaccinations by honking about some bogus and toxic vaxx. Hilarious thing about the malignant dems’ deceptions is that few people are falling for it anymore. We’ve got other ways to entertain ourselves rather than sitting among vaxxed people who are actually the disease-spreaders themselves. laughable stuff.


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