NY Gov. Kathy Hochul’s daughter-in-law is top lobbyist at pharma firm that has sought to influence NY lawmakers – IOTW Report

NY Gov. Kathy Hochul’s daughter-in-law is top lobbyist at pharma firm that has sought to influence NY lawmakers


From Aug 24 2021: New York Gov. Kathy Hochul’s daughter-in-law is a top lobbyist at a pharmaceutical firm that has been actively trying to influence state and federal lawmakers.

Hochul took over as governor Tuesday following Andrew Cuomo’s resignation over a sexual harassment scandal.

During her first address as governor Tuesday, Hochul said her administration would address ethics issues.

“Today, I’m directing an overhaul of state government policies on sexual harassment and ethics, starting with requiring that all training be done live, instead of allowing people to click their way through a class,” Hochul said in the speech, which she delivered soon after this story was first published.

Christina Hochul, who is married to the governor’s son, William Hochul III, is a director of federal policy at Biogen. The company develops therapies that aim to combat Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosisand spinal muscular atrophy. Its corporate headquarters is in Massachusetts.

The company has been involved with a recent lobbying campaign in New York. State lobbying disclosure reports show that between January and June, Biogen paid $20,000 for Harter Secrest & Emery to engage with state lawmakers on multiple bills.

The disclosure report shows that the lobbyists Biogen hired targeted leaders in the state Senate on “potential legislation related to Alzheimer’s disease.” MORE

8 Comments on NY Gov. Kathy Hochul’s daughter-in-law is top lobbyist at pharma firm that has sought to influence NY lawmakers

  1. This is the classic definition of a conflict of interests. Ethics be damned, she’s as corrupt as all the rest of the democraps feeding at the gubmint tits like a a piglet sucking it’s mom for it’s nourishment. Their nourishment is corruption and nepotism and sucking the sow dry until their is nothing left and then moving onto the next cash cow to drain the life out of it, over and over until their is nothing left.

  2. Ethics training on political conflict of interest, won’t stop the conflicts. They’ll just say they were trained and do it anyway. Wake up, they are not fixing anything, just ignoring it with a phony band-aide that falls off in a day.

  3. Another corrupt POS.
    She’s going to confront ethical issues?
    What a joke.
    She’s an amoral nihilistic totalitarian with delusions of godhood.
    She should be in a mental institution (nervous hospital).

    izlamo delenda est …


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