NY Governor’s top aides indicted on corruption charges. (Is Cuomo next?) – IOTW Report

NY Governor’s top aides indicted on corruption charges. (Is Cuomo next?)


An array of figures from Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s inner circle—including a confidante so close the governor called him “my father’s third son”—got slapped with a sweeping 14-count federal indictment today, which alleges they colluded in a pair of schemes to solicit bribes for state assistance and to rig economic development contracts for companies that gave to Cuomo’s campaigns.

A grand jury gave crusading U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara the go-ahead to prosecute his case against Joseph Percoco, the governor’s former campaign manager, deputy executive secretary, political fixer and body man, on charges he solicited bribes and a “low-show job” for his wife from two major Cuomo contributors. In return, the federal government alleges Percoco pressured executive agencies and entities to offer assistance and loosen regulations for the companies’ operations in New York State—and lied about the arrangement on disclosure forms.

Cuomo, who does not face any accusations of wrongdoing, has maintained that he was utterly oblivious to any nefarious dealings allegedly going on in his administration.



Sure you don’t.

ht/ just the tip

26 Comments on NY Governor’s top aides indicted on corruption charges. (Is Cuomo next?)

  1. After helping set the crash of ’08 in motion while at HUD he should go to prison for something. . . anything. (Oh, and Trump should abolish HUD to keep it from happening again. . . and again. . . and again.).

  2. He was utterly oblivious to this? These are aides at the highest levels of your government, Mr. Cuomo. If you didn’t notice the connection between your contributors and the number of contracts they were awarded, then that tells me everything I need to know about your ability to manage the state’s affairs. You are either incompetent or you are a liar.

  3. Man, those “my father’s third son,” and “surrogate daughter,” insiders & confidants sure do shit the bed for poor Dem politicians.

    Bonus Bad Faux Family Association:
    George W. Bush’s “brother from another mother,” and that “brother’s wife,” or his “sister-in-law,” AKA,
    Bill and Hillary.

  4. If DJT keeps Preset on as US Attorney for the Southern District (and at this point, why shouldn’t he?), you can bet you’ll see the clintoon crime family sending out refund checks as fast as little Chelsea can sign them. Preset is indeed someone you don’t want to see coming after your ass (or your cankles).

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