NY High School Locks Maskless Students in Library – Deletes Entire Twitter Account After Fallout – IOTW Report

NY High School Locks Maskless Students in Library – Deletes Entire Twitter Account After Fallout

20 Comments on NY High School Locks Maskless Students in Library – Deletes Entire Twitter Account After Fallout

  1. Good for her!!
    I tell parents all the time to be bold. Your kids will eventually be out of those places and you will probably never see any of those people again so if they hate you when you leave, so what.

  2. Sending kids to public school is child abuse.

    I used to say “mighty close to child abuse” or some other weasel phrasing, but not any more.

    If your kids are in public schooling, get them out. Otherwise, you’re doing something wrong and the kids will be the ones who end up paying for it (and I don’t mean money).

  3. The Covidaramma is going to be a field day for the Trial Lawyers. The school staffers responsible were violating the Civil Rights of these students. Ergo the taxpayers have absolutely NO RESPONSIBILITY to defend them individually in civil court. Throw the bastards to the wolves. Let them put their money where their mouth is. The District has a responsibility to the taxpayers and to their underwriters to minimize damages… No protection from individuals involved in any settlement. Let them settle with the District, at the taxpayers’ and underwriters’ expensene then let them sue each and every individual involved individually and collect that as well.

  4. Manhasset USFD may have deleted their account but it won’t stop their child abuse incidents from going viral EVERYWHERE which should include on forums, groups, commentaries, emails, newsletters etc AND naming names.

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