NY Mayor wants to house the illegals in private residences – IOTW Report

NY Mayor wants to house the illegals in private residences


Earlier today, New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced a new plan to house the millions of illegal aliens flooding into the country who are being sent to sanctuary city New York.

Adams said regular New Yorkers should house the busloads of illegal aliens arriving in The City.

Adams said he wants to house the illegals in private residences.

Adams told New Yorkers, “It is my vision to take the next step to this faith-based locales and then move to a private residence.”

28 Comments on NY Mayor wants to house the illegals in private residences

  1. …so, if we consider the hordes of military aged men invading our country as the warriors for the New World Order illegitimate US government, then this would be an unconstitutional quartering of troops…

    “No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.”
    Amendment III

  2. I have a better idea for New Yorkers. Start a fund to help illegals, run them out of town and then keep the money. Just like they did it in Martha’s Vineyard.

  3. The Governors Mansion is empty in Albany, the state capitol, send them all there to help them be envisioned on how taxes are raised every year and then wasted to the wind.

  4. This is a direct violation of the 4th Amendment to the Constitution. There is no way in hell the commie Mayor of NYC should be ever allowed to get away with this. It’s time for the people of NYC (and the general American public in other jurisdictions as well) to say Hell no to this bastard and not let him get away with it for even proposing such a violation of the Constitution.

  5. Keep shipping them to the big leftist cities, any and all who can be so shipped ought be so shipped, without regard to health or criminal status. DC should get a double helping.

  6. Europeans have been dealing with this since their 2015 invasion. People with 2nd homes were being forced to house illegals. A few weeks ago I had a conversation with someone talking about the illegals all over the cities and I said wait until they try to force them into private property via 2nd homes, rentals, B&Bs etc. It is all part of the plan. It is going to drive huge divisions in society to keep everyone fighting each other instead of the globalist jack offs doing all this.

  7. I’m 72, and when in Junior High had a Spanish teacher who’d come from Cuba. Her family had been successful farmers, owned much land and had a virtual mansion by standards of the time. During the revolution Castro ordered such properties confiscated by the state and moved in far too many “poor” people for the size of the residence and forced the family to essentially care for them. She was lucky enough to have escaped to America in the exodus. Mrs. Thrasher has certainly passed on by now. God rest he soul. The stories she shared with us were unbelievable. Think it couldn’t happen here?

  8. Readers shut the fucking Tacoma News Tribune up about this topic by posting under every article that the homeless could be housed at 1901 State Street. The News Buffoon’s 98% empty palatial offices and printing plant on three acre compound. Oh, you should have heard the excuses when cornered and grilled in public. Progs are so inauthentic I wonder if they could tell the truth about anything.

  9. Your home belongs to the state
    Your children belong to the state
    Your Healthcare belongs to the state
    Your income belongs to the state
    Your speech belongs to the state
    Your thoughts belong to the state

    See how Marxism works?

  10. Interesting trivia tidbit: Gracie Mansion and Gracie Jiujitsu hail from the same family. A (Scotsman) Gracie emigrated from NY to Brazil over a century ago, and his scions embraced the Japanese martial art in the 1930s.

  11. Sure… go ahead and appropriate the home, kids, healthcare, income, speech and thoughts, but doooooon’t even think about appropriating someones culture!
    Welcome to the New Communism of the 21st Century!

  12. Hmmm, correct me if I’m wrong, but, a while back, didn’t the folks over on the East Coast prosecute a little war against the most powerful nation on Earth, citing this very issue among their raisons d’être?

    Wonder what they will do now?


  13. Those immigrants will trash any home the government lets them occupy.

    This type of thing came up in a movie about the Russian Revolution (Dr. Zhivago?), when the Bolsheviks let the lower classes take over the nice homes of the White Russians, who had escaped the Reds. The low Lifes trashed those homes.


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