NY Newsday – The Left Isn’t Violent Enough – IOTW Report

NY Newsday – The Left Isn’t Violent Enough


It’s always preferable to take the high road, and Michelle Obama’s statement, “When they go low, we go high,” is admirable.

But in real life, when someone fights dirty and you don’t, you’re in big trouble.

“Fighting dirty,” when characterizing the right, is a euphemism for telling the truth about the left and then winning the elections. As we’ll see, “fighting dirty,” when attempting to whip up the left, is actually a call for more violence.

Going for the jugular was rarely in the Democratic Party’s DNA.

Naaaa. The Dems are squeaky clean. Let’s leave aside for a moment actual violence and focus on scumbaggery.

When JFK first ran for congress he had to get past a tough primary with a candidate named Joseph Russo. What did dear old dad do? He paid another guy to run in the primary. What was this guy’s name? JOSEPH RUSSO. This assured there’d be enough befuddled voters who would simply mess up their vote, watering down the Russo vote.

JFK’s running mate in his presidential bid had a similar scumbaggery pedigree.

Via Politico- In his first election to the Senate, Lyndon Baines Johnson overcame a 20,000-vote deficit in a primary runoff election thanks to votes that, as biographer Robert A. Caro and others have argued, were manufactured. Most famously, 202 Mexican-American voters, some already deceased, cast ballots in alphabetical order at the last minute on election day in Jim Wells County.

If this is what the dems do to their own (see Bernie Sanders), imagine what they wouldn’t consider out of bounds against the party opposition.

Despite that, cynical Republicans accuse them of fomenting “mob rule.”

Maxine Waters urging minions to not allow any peace for the right.

Banging on doors of Supreme Court

Girl egged and spit on by anti-Trump factions at pro-Trump rally.

We are a republic. A call for the end of the electoral college is a call for implementation of mob rule.

For a party led by a president who, among other things, encouraged an angry crowd at a rally to “knock the crap” out of a protester and still leads furious chants of “Lock her up!,” that’s the definition of chutzpah.

Yes, knock the crap out of a disruptor who infiltrates and disrupts a peaceful rally. By all means, do that to the right, if we ever do it.

And chanting “lock her up” is bad? People who believe a politician got away with a crime shouldn’t chant “lock her up” at a closed rally? Maybe we should have banged on the door of the U.S. Senate?

After paid GOP operatives caused a near riot outside a Miami counting room after the 2000 presidential election, disrupting a vote recount and helping George W. Bush eke out a questionable victory over Al Gore, Democrats responded by conceding.
They were simply “counting votes”?  lol.
Image result for interpreting hanging chadsImage result for interpreting hanging chads
Here are the “counters” “counting” votes (only in districts that heavily favored Gore, by the way) by examining them for any evidence whatsoever that a blank card was “an intent” to vote for Al Gore. The democrats conceded when every effort to cheat their way in, like they always do, couldn’t be pulled off in the sunlight of the angry “mob.”
When John Kerry ran for president against Bush four years later, Republicans made a calculated decision to smear the war hero and Purple Heart winner.
They “smeared” Kerry with facts.

When Bush challenged Kerry’s war record during a presidential debate, Kerry should have replied: “I was in Vietnam fighting for my country while you were a male cheerleader. How dare you!” Instead, Kerry went into a mealy mouthed defense of his record, and it was curtains.

Confrontation while having a guilty conscience will get you off your usual deception game.

Donald Trump famously said he could “stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters.”


Since then, he has said worse, from siding with Russia’s Vladimir Putin over U.S. intelligence

Yes, they are buddies.

to expressing his love for murderous North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

Friends to the end.

If Barack Obama acted this way, furious Republicans would have surrounded the White House, demanding he leave.

We surrounded the ballot boxes and voted for Trump.

But that’s not the way Democrats roll.

No, they surround the ballot box and cheat.

Despite the specious allegations of “mob rule,” party leaders are still more likely to ring Trump’s doorbell and run.

And what do you want them to do?

The majority of Americans agree with Democrats on the real issues, including providing adequate health care, dealing with climate change and passing sane gun laws. But if they let Republicans bait them into sideshows and don’t respond forcefully, Nov. 6 could well be another Democratic disaster.



ht/ jd hasty

10 Comments on NY Newsday – The Left Isn’t Violent Enough

  1. Hilarious explanation on that site for why they aren’t accepting comments. Obviously they are waiting for the rollout of Soros’ comment thread algoreithm that will weed out pro-America, pro-Constitution thoughts.

  2. NY Newsday hasn’t been fit for wrapping fish for many years. Way back during the Washington sniper story their columnist, Jimmy Breslin, wrote that they should use the President as bait to capture the shooter. I have not read it since.

  3. Again, Trump never said the HE could shoot people on 5th Ave. He said that others were saying that, others like this fish wrap.
    But, damn the facts, we can make a sound bite! Even if it is fake news.


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