NY/NJ Earthquake – IOTW Report

NY/NJ Earthquake

I love how the dog feels it before anyone else feels it.

18 Comments on NY/NJ Earthquake

  1. “I love how the dog feels it before anyone else feels it.”

    They hear it before they or us feels it.

    LMFAO, It’s wall to wall coverage on FOX. A 4.8 in Cali isn’t even news worthy.

  2. Lasted for a few seconds at our house and we thought that Con Ed was using jackhammers nearby. One of the kitchen cabinets’ doors flew open. Ooh, scary ooh ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  3. Growing up in the Bay Area if the family mutt jumped up for no reason you knew something bad was about to happen. There’s a theory that earthquakes produce an ultrasonic sound that hurts their ears.

  4. Used to sleep on a water bed when we lived in SoCal. We could hear the earthquake sound in the mattress before they shook the house. It is the same sound that one hears underwater when a powerboat goes by. The other tell was our cockatiel would beat its wings bloody against the cage before the earthquake hit.


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