NY Post Catches Up To CEO of Eastern Securities – IOTW Report

NY Post Catches Up To CEO of Eastern Securities

In an extensive expose’ the New York Post managed to track down and get comments from Bill Baisey, CEO of Eastern Securities, the contractor who had 24 bomb detection dogs put down in Kuwait last week.

(Read about this bum in another story HERE.)

The report has multiple witnesses claiming that the contractor not only abused animals but also hired workers from less developed nations and then took their passports and phones away while never issuing work visas (which left the workers vulnerable to arrest).  Eastern Securities was late on paying its workers and made them live in terrible conditions.

There were many complaints of dogs suffering from cancer and other diseases forced to continue working until they died.

There is a CEO Bill Baisey “a man also known as Fathalla Babeisi“, and another individual who appeared to be the man in charge in Kuwait, Tony Touchet.  Touchet appears to be the one who authorized the euthanasia of the 24 dogs who are pictured in the leaked image that made it on Facebook on June 17th.


The Post article claims, “In the week since the photo of the dead dogs went viral, Eastern Securities’ two phone numbers were disconnected, and the email shut down.”

12 Comments on NY Post Catches Up To CEO of Eastern Securities

  1. As I said before, take this guys money from him and make sure he gets to face arab justice. While I’m sure he has “friends” in the Kuwaiti political world the ones he embarrassed with his frauds may be more then he can handle without his wallet.

  2. islam, muslims, all about peace, love and kindness. Put me in a room with them, one at a time. These two cowardly, terrorist bitches will wish they had never been born – They will scream like the dogs did when they were tortured…

  3. On the mistreatment of foreign workers. . .
    First, why hire foreign workers? Aren’t there enough domestic workers?
    As for the mistreatment of the foreigners, these are the EXACT same stories I heard when I was over in Saudi Arabia for a year.
    Non issue of visas.
    Seizure of passports.
    Late/non payment
    Terrible work/living conditions.

    Makes me wonder about Mr Bill B, where was he born? What name was he born under? What schools (or madras) did he attend?

  4. these disgusting vile trash… they must be brought to justice and punished in the most terrible way..they are greedy , cruel bastards….full prosecution then prison justice ….

  5. Just made me sick. Sent an email to Peter King of L.I. NY. Hope he can do something about saving remaining dogs. My God how terrible. They should be hung upside down.

  6. How can you address these ‘humans’ as civilized. Hell, they can’t spell the word. They are demons in every sense of the word. Expose these monsters to the public so they can get what they deserve. Where are no words to express my disgust. To hell with them!

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