NY Post Gives the DNC An Oscar – IOTW Report

NY Post Gives the DNC An Oscar

4 Comments on NY Post Gives the DNC An Oscar

  1. Sharon Stone: And the Best Actor Oscar award goes to….Tim Walz, for his convincing portrayal of an American man in the film American Chicken….

    Sharon Stone: Congratulations Tim! You really earned it!

    Tim Walz: Thank you Sharon, and thank you so much Oscar committee. The role was particularly difficult for me. I had to dig down deep inside to find a kernal of brutality, evil, and cruelty that was such a big part of the character’s soul. Then, I had to expand that kernel to accurately portray the real guy, US Army General Claude Caligula, who personally executed twelve thousand civilians in Iraq.

    As a method actor who really got into the role, I now feel I would like to kill twelve thousand conservatives…so, hold me back, if you can, is all I have to say. I’m a Man for Peace and Progress.

    Standing Ovation from the Hollywood Freaks in attendance.

    Tim Walz: Again, thank you Oscar committee from the bottom of my heart.


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