NY Post Says Election Fraud and Trump’s Fight To Stop It is “Insanity” – IOTW Report

NY Post Says Election Fraud and Trump’s Fight To Stop It is “Insanity”

NY Post-

Mr. President, it’s time to end this dark charade.

We’re one week away from an enormously important moment for the next four years of our country.

On Jan. 5, two runoff races in Georgia will determine which party will control the Senate — whether Joe Biden will have a rubber stamp or a much-needed check on his agenda.

Unfortunately, you’re obsessed with the next day, Jan. 6, when Congress will, in a pro forma action, certify the Electoral College vote. You have tweeted that, as long as Republicans have “courage,” they can overturn the results and give you four more years in office.

In other words, you’re cheering for an undemocratic coup.

You had every right to investigate the election. But let’s be clear: Those efforts have found nothing. To take just two examples: Your campaign paid $3 million for a recount in two Wisconsin counties, and you lost by 87 more votes. Georgia did two recounts of the state, each time affirming Biden’s win. These ballots were counted by hand, which alone debunks the claims of a Venezuelan vote-manipulating Kraken conspiracy.

Sidney Powell is a crazy person. Michael Flynn suggesting martial law is tantamount to treason. It is shameful.


What’s “insane” is counting the same fraudulent ballots and saying, “see? the vote tally was correct!”


23 Comments on NY Post Says Election Fraud and Trump’s Fight To Stop It is “Insanity”

  1. NYP has some weirdos writing there.
    I guarantee you, if it goes bad for Trump (And the country), assholes like him will be the first ones crying: “Trump didn’t try hard enough!!!”
    Ah, fuck alla yas.

  2. I tried to like the NYP after it was the only paper to
    have the guts to cover Hunter Biden’s crime filled laptop.
    I recently went so far as to allow it to send me its “news” briefs etc. Now this. They can’t count and had the stupidity to brag about it. That’s the end of a very, very short relationship.

  3. ” …. whether Joe Biden will have a rubber stamp or a much-needed check on his agenda.”

    I doubt that the Republicans will provide check on his agenda, What I expect of them is that with Trump’s power over them gone they will gleefully join with at spirit of bipartisanship to give Biden almost everything they want.

    Review the Obama years to understand why I expect this, I see nothing as having changed in the Republicans general attitudes since then.

  4. “…assholes like him will be the first ones crying: “Trump didn’t try hard enough!!!”

    MJA, my formerly leftist sister, while not an asshole (lol), came to Christmas dinner with that crap. She gets her Republican Opinion from the WSJ and maybe three other mealy-mouthed establishment sites. I had to run down a litany of election abominations to set her straight, and to her credit she listened.

    But the establishment GOP has totally abandoned the field, and we can’t set all the squishes straight. On the plus side, she just moved out of Georgia last year, and she might come down from SC to vote in Georgia next week. Hey, gotta fight fire with fire.

  5. the liberal who owns: WSJ, Fox also owns Post!
    Are you all really soo poor you can not TAKE OUT YOUR WALLETT AND PAY ATTETION!
    dA liberal is a liberal regardless of his/her letter!

  6. What’s insane is the constant claim Trump is trying to overturn election results and therefore involved with a coup. That couldn’t be any further from the truth. Trump and all MAGAs simply want a FAIR and LEGAL count of all ballots. Not looking to “overturn” anything. It’s lefties who are trying to overturn what should be a legal election.

  7. …just roll over and enjoy it, eh, NYP? Its inevitable, so just quit resisting…

    …one wonders if you’d give that advice to your daughter if she was being advanced on by a rapist, because we are DEFINITELY about to be forcibly screwed by Democrats and many of us, not just POTUS, are not the type that won’t try to gorge your eyes out or eviscerate you with a broken beer bottle if you TRY…


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