NY public advocate asks SEC to investigate Smith & Wesson – IOTW Report

NY public advocate asks SEC to investigate Smith & Wesson

ny anti gun

Guns.com:  New York City’s public advocate raised concerns Tuesday that gun maker Smith & Wesson is failing to inform investors about the risks it imposes on the public by manufacturing firearms.

Public advocate Letitia James asked the Securities and Exchange Commission to investigate the company to see if it has violated U.S. securities laws by withholding the information.

“We cannot let gun manufacturers get away with hiding the inherent risk associated with their industry,” she said in a statement.



h/t Leonard

26 Comments on NY public advocate asks SEC to investigate Smith & Wesson

  1. I want to investigate one of their scandium-frame 1911’s. This will entail a purchase of said heater from Smith & Wesson.

    Which is a polite way of saying: FOAD commie-bitch.

  2. All companies should be investigated based on the same logic. Pick one.. Apple. How many people are involved in some type of accident while looking at an iphone, how many people are injured because of someone looking at an iphone, and what is Apple doing to prevent people from staring at their iphones?

  3. Political Correctness plus Unfettered Ambition allowed by Affirmative Action have almost destroyed this country. At any rate, it’s not the country of my youth and I fear it will never be again.

  4. To Hell with the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution and the expressed will of the American People! “We” cannot allow this to continue!

    How about “We, the People of the United States” cannot allow you to continue?

    How ya like me now? Anybody can play that game.

  5. Wasn’t it the regulators at SEC who were viewing porn all day at work while the financial system melted down in 2008?

    So, what makes this stupid bag of carbon-based compounds think that the SEC regulators have changed in the past 7-years?

  6. I always thought the movie, “Escape from New York” was just some dystopian, futuristic, science-fiction yarn based on some kind of far-out ‘what-ifs’. However, they way sh!t is going in the DeBlasio CCCP-NYC, maybe it ain’t too far-fetched after all. Maybe a real Snake Plissken is quietly serving in the US Special Forces at this very moment, unaware of his pending rendezvous with destiny!

  7. I’ll be damned, I never thought I would live to see the day. I was staring out my office window this morning, upon the road that passes by, and I heard what I thought was a gun shot. I jumped to my feet and went to the window for a closer look and what I saw has changed my whole perspective on guns. Walking down the road was an AK47 just randomly firing off rounds.

  8. I would imagine Kimber has most of it’s labor subsidized. That’s why I brought it up. I’d bet money they have entered into some sort of agreement with the city to keep them there.

  9. These anti-gun clowns are going to abuse the law in every way they can until nobody respects the law. I know I sure don’t much anymore. The irony is that if the democrat party base were to disappear tomorrow, 90% of gun crimes would disappear.

  10. Duuuuude. My wife has been bugging me to buy her one of the Crimson Carry models for two years. Now, with these facts that you’ve just exposed me to, I don’t think I can buy a Kimber in good conscience. I’ll tell her she’s getting a Hi-Point LOL

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