NY Slimes Keeps Its Hurricane Dorian Updates Behind PAY WALL – IOTW Report

NY Slimes Keeps Its Hurricane Dorian Updates Behind PAY WALL

I’ve been on sites for the past few days which have suspended pay walls because they want the easy spread of hurricane info.

But not this douchebag—>

Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr. 

10 Comments on NY Slimes Keeps Its Hurricane Dorian Updates Behind PAY WALL

  1. I hit those paywalls all the time. When I get to last free article I empty my devices storage and cache/browsing data and start all new again. They lose their tracking of you.

  2. Well,
    1) they are chasing millennial readers and Socialists.

    2) millennials and socialists don’t want to pay for anything.

    3) ask said people for something that is otherwise free on google news or other sites.

    Great Business model!

  3. Here is what it says behind the paywall:

    “Trump caused the hurricane as a way to impose his racist agenda by causing the deaths of the high number of Spanish speak people in Florida.”

  4. 1. Only Lefties read it and the Times changes the facts
    into lies to make them feel good.
    2. The Lefties pay them to do it.
    It is a hooker and john relationship and they are
    keeping it behind closed (paywall) doors.
    Let ’em have their sick little ride.

  5. WHO would go to the Old Gray Lady, oops wrong pro-noun there, they had better correct their own history, for updates on a hurricane!! Whoever THEY are, deserve what they get for that.

    The WSJ does the same pay wall and for that they can eff off as well.

    I have IOTW and some other sites for me news and updates.

    BTW Sundance gives very good updates for a non-weather site/blog.


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