NY State’s Moron Governor forbids college champion swimmers from competing in NC because he doesn’t like the state’s LGBTQ policies – IOTW Report

NY State’s Moron Governor forbids college champion swimmers from competing in NC because he doesn’t like the state’s LGBTQ policies


SUNY championship swimmers are caught in the middle of a political debate between two states and fear they’ll be at a competitive disadvantage at the NCAA championship later this month because of it.

As News10NBC first reported last week, 10 swimmers and divers from SUNY Geneseo, two from the College at Brockport and one from SUNY Cortland have qualified for the NCAA swimming championships which are being held in Greensboro, North Carolina, later this month.

In 2017, Gov. Cuomo issued an executive order banning all state agencies, organizations and state-sponsored schools from non-essential travel and spending to the state of North Carolina.

Cuomo believes leaders in North Carolina have passed legislation that is discriminatory to those in the LGBTQ community.

“The governor has never had a son or daughter that qualified to be an all-American and so he has no idea how hard it is to get there,” says Mark Nasky, whose daughter, Nancy, is the captain of the Geneseo swim team.

The state determined that the student-athletes could compete in the NCAA championships but they cannot fly into or stay in the state of North Carolina; instead they’ll travel to Virginia, stay in a hotel there and commute more than an hour back and forth to the venue.

Last week, the student-athletes and alumni appealed to Cuomo, asking for an exception to the travel ban fearing that the commute time will leave them at a competitive disadvantage.

“These are New York state residents, New York state students, they are paying SUNY tuition, none of them are getting the Excelsior scholarship and so all of these students are trying to represent Geneseo, the State University of New York and New York itself in a positive light and I really would have hoped that would have opened communication,” says Clint Sugnut, a Geneseo alumni that started a GoFundMe page to raise money for the students to stay in North Carolina.

That page raised nearly $7,000 over the weekend.

But, students, families and alumni say the only thing they heard from Cuomo’s office was a directive that the students were not to stay in North Carolina regardless of who was paying for it.


ht/ js

21 Comments on NY State’s Moron Governor forbids college champion swimmers from competing in NC because he doesn’t like the state’s LGBTQ policies

  1. So NY says they will be permitted to fly into and stay in virginia, where the Governor and AG like to wear black face (and wont resign, because, you know, Democrats) and the Lt Gov is alleged to force himself on a woman or two (and wont resign because, you know, Democrats). Cuomo is a one man clown car

  2. What about sending your brave athletes into Evil Carolina to show the World that Good can triumph?

    No, it is more important to avoid their cooties so you can boast that no malign anti lbtgq++ contamination alights upon perfect pristine New York.

    Surely, the Nobel Committee has taken notice.

    Brave Governor. Brave, brave Governor.

  3. That’s Jimmy Carter grade STUPID.
    Even the moronic youth should recognize such fascism, shouldn’t they?

    Eventually, even if it takes them a long while, they will, and there will be loud whining.

  4. Why don’t the athletes self identify as residents of another state besides the “state of confusion”? You can call yourself anything you want in this topsy turvy world of leftism insanity…if the cause is destruction of normalcy. Why not use the nuttiness for good?

  5. “In 2017, Gov. Cuomo issued an executive order banning all state agencies, organizations and state-sponsored schools from non-essential travel and spending to the state of North Carolina.”

    Raise some private funding, and go anyway. This nutjob governor dictator wannabe has no authority over travel of free citizens in the USA. Then transfer to another college in another state ASAP. Amazon got the heck out, too, before they even got started.

  6. Running New York like his own personal Third World Shithole!
    That should work two ways. Block federal money from New York State for acting like a Tin Pot Dick
    I don’t want my tax dollars support that!

  7. Coumo doesn’t have a legal leg to stand on in this. The Athletes should stay wherever they want. Worst the governor can do is send a strongly worded letter of disapproval to the students. He could pull funding from the schools probably but that would unlikely stand up in court. Thats where this crap needs to go to end this madness.

  8. Andy, the greaser wants to be

    Il Presidente

    He’s even a bigger MEGALOMANIAC than his father

    He’ll do ANYTHING to be the ultimate leftist extremist
    and ergo be the nominee of the smellocrats

    He will sacrifice any and all parts of New York State
    if necessary.


  9. These NY swimmers better snap to, this is King Cuomo issuing a direct order. If anyone fails to obey, he will be sicking his NY Tax department Doberman’s on you and your family. And things will get ugly for you…

  10. @Blink March 12, 2019 at 7:08 am

    > > In 2017, Gov. Cuomo issued an executive order
    > Raise some private funding, and go anyway.

    Stupidity should be profitable. It’s the American way.

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