NY Times Leaks Trump Tax Returns… They Find Nothing Nefarious – IOTW Report

NY Times Leaks Trump Tax Returns… They Find Nothing Nefarious

The Times breathlessly reports that Trump lost money in real estate and was able to LEGALLY take advantage of tax write offs for over a decade.

They also report that he posed as being positioned better than he was in order to successfully close business deals.


Is this grounds for impeachment? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

These jerks still don’t get it. Trump is a great president. This makes me like him even MORE. I trust him to get the better of any negotiations. The guy is a wizard.

ht/ Michelle’s Big Beaver

25 Comments on NY Times Leaks Trump Tax Returns… They Find Nothing Nefarious

  1. Let’s put that shoe on the other “foot” now. First, let’s have a look at Satan’s daughter and the mulatto jeasus. Then We can start with Chuckie and Nancie and move on to Shitforbrains, DiFi and Mad Maxine. Once that’s done let’s have a looksee at McTurtle’s and Jihad Ryan’s returns for the last 11 years.

    I could go on for ever because all these bastards and bitches have been selling Us out for the last 40 years.

  2. Oh whatever. He’s president, he can afford to donate his paychecks, aaand he’s still worth a shit ton of cash.

    So who leaked the documents? Hmm?
    Are they going to leak Hillary’s?
    Maybe some congressmen’s?
    What about joe biden’s kid with the Ukraine/Russia problem?

  3. Release Nancy P’s tax records, SHE is only, what third in line? How bout that WINERY and whatever else?

    THEY really do NOT want full transparency…

    BTW? EFF the NY Slimes, as an on the way out comment.

  4. The Dems will nit pick this as he is a loser as a businessman, noting that Dems have no clue how to run a business. I love when a lib at works points out that Trump had a bunch of businesses go bankrupt. I ask them how many successful business are they running, since they think its so easy to run and make a profit. Then I get the usual look and “we’re not not talking about me, we are talking about Trump”. LOL

  5. From the article:

    While The Times did not obtain the president’s actual tax returns, it received the information contained in the returns from someone who had legal access to it. The Times was then able to find matching results in the I.R.S. information on top earners — a publicly available database that each year comprises a one-third sampling of those taxpayers, with identifying details removed.

    Nice backgrounder from mostly old information on a very smart President – who we now need even more than we did in 2016.

  6. WTF? Until the 90’s? This is old, recycled news. We’ve heard this before. If (my name for The Drudge Report a/k/a) National Inquirer Light wasn’t so interested in getting clicks instead of real news . . . like the old days. Keep sites like this going. Only way we will ferret out the truth. May not be much BFH, but will try to hit the tip jar as Dianny says.

  7. Now find the rat bastard who leaked that private information that is against the law to acquire and prosecute. I’ve got a feeling he’s easy to find since he just checked into club fed yesterday.

  8. I’m pretty sure POTUS Trump already wrote all about how he came back from the brink. He’s very proud that he didn’t lose it all like a lot of his cohort did in that time period. And he should be. It’s a cutthroat business in NYC and NJ.

  9. Huh? This is weird. Rush was talking about this very thing release of taxes by irs personel. I think Trump did this he’s bored. Being the troll master that he is.So much fun to witness. He knows thete is shit to be found, as he did nothing illegal. He confessed he used legal loopholes during debates.
    Yet again Trump rules the roost.
    The man needs this energy to work, and hes about to do battle with China. He did it he did it he did it.

  10. Yea, I think he did an article discussing this in Playboy back in 1997. Claudia Schiffer on the cover IIRC.

    24 year old news that was in all the papers. That’s it?

    How about this? I want every Congress person’s tax returns. How do you make $150-200k a year and become a double digit millionaire? How are you able to trade stocks and investments on bills you working on?

    Once again, patently illegal behavior by the NYT and agents in the IRS. People who refused to investigate what Obama did in college and who paid for it.

  11. You’d think these masochistic dorks would grow tired of Trump slapping the snot out of their heads.
    Not them, it’s full speed ahead into the jagged rocks.

  12. This all came out before Trump ran. Heck I remember hearing this more than a decade ago. The Slimes leaves out that many of his losses were during NYC real estate crashes.
    If they want real dirt on someone they ought to vett dimms.

  13. When Ronny came in to office the top IRS rate was 70%; but ON AVERAGE those making over $1,000,000 a year paid only 1%! Ronny closed many loopholes (liberals call ’em “deductions + exclusions”). When he left office the top rate was only 28% ; but those making over $1,000,000 paid ON AVERAGE 8%. Despite the lies of Bush, Rove, CNN, and other lefties Ronnie raised taxes on the rich!

    2 lefties named George reopened the loopholes Ronnie closed, as well as adding new loopholes – So even thought the top rate is almost 40% ON AVERAGE the rich again pay only 1%

    When I was making big $, before Ron, I took advantage of every loophole I could. to me to pay more taxes than you absolutely have to is “cutting your nose off to spite your face”! Don, as I , followed the law. The tax code is bad. Why I voted for ronny every time I could! And would do so again, given the chance!

  14. I love the fact that Trump is living rent-free in the minds of millions of libturds! Every time they try to bring him down, they step in the dog shit they spread out for him to step in, and he walks away laughing his ass off and his shoes spotless.
    I guess this is what happens when your chief strategist over at the DNC is Wiley Coyote.

  15. RightWinger wrote at MAY 7, 2019 AT 10:39 PM:
    The Dems will nit pick this as he is a loser as a businessman…

    It’s already starting. A college friend of mine who is a big lefty currently living in LA posted just that angle on her FB page last night. As usual, I just chuckled slightly and scrolled on.

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