NY Times praises Trump’s bold leadership – IOTW Report

NY Times praises Trump’s bold leadership

I don’t believe I’ve ever shared an article from the New York Times, but this one is important to acknowledge because it’s a Leftist rag PRAISING President Trump’s bold and decisive leadership when it comes to dealing with Iran, the world’s largest state sponsor of terror. Better yet, it exposes the juvenile and incompetent actions taken by his predecessor which EMBOLDENED the Iranian Mullahs and led to the slaughter of thousands of innocents.  – C. Steven Tucker

Article HERE

8 Comments on NY Times praises Trump’s bold leadership

  1. I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade but this is just an oped from a former Bush official. Granted, at least they printed it, but it’s not like the times is being supportive.

  2. Agree with Gin, the comments would be instructive. Much weeping and rending of garments plus gnashing of teeth… maybe some foaming at the mouth. Libs cannot tolerate even the smallest deviation from their world view (Orange Man Bad).

  3. It would be a watershed event if the NYTimes even allowed an isolated fact to get past their censors, so this is momentous, indeed.

    Makes you wonder why, though, doesn’t it?

    The NYTimes having steadfastly been in the nihilist/tyrannical/socialist camp since (at least) the 30s ya gotta ax y’seff “Hmmmmm?” Nothing is what it seems in the land of маскировка.

    izlamo delenda est …


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