NY Times publisher vows to ‘rededicate’ paper to reporting honestly – IOTW Report

NY Times publisher vows to ‘rededicate’ paper to reporting honestly

FoxNews- The publisher of The New York Times penned a letter to readers Friday promising that the paper would “reflect” on its coverage of this year’s election while rededicating itself to reporting on “America and the world” honestly.

Arthur O. Sulzberger Jr., the paper’s embattled publisher, appealed to Times readers for their continued support.

“We cannot deliver the independent, original journalism for which we are known without the loyalty of our subscribers,” the letter states.

New York Post columnist and former Times reporter Michael Goodwin wrote, “because it (The Times) demonized Trump from start to finish, it failed to realize he was onto something. And because the paper decided that Trump’s supporters were a rabble of racist rednecks and homophobes, it didn’t have a clue about what was happening in the lives of the Americans who elected the new president.  More

49 Comments on NY Times publisher vows to ‘rededicate’ paper to reporting honestly

  1. When does that start? Before that headline or sometime later on? Like when Trump takes office and then everything NYT lies about will actually be “true” because they swore to be truthful months before? Start retracting everything you wrote the last 8 years. lol

  2. @Lazlo – one of the best comments on a site where I read about this earlier was:

    “the best way for the NYT to improve is to start printing on circular paper the same size as the bottom of a standard bird cage”.

  3. Read the actual letter. it undermines it’s promise in one sentence towards the end, “We believe we reported on both candidates fairly during the election.” Forget the rest. Forget the mea culpa for treating Trump supporters as ignorant rubes. They regret nothing but losing their grip on political power, influence and most of all money. Screw em.

  4. What a joke !!
    They’re sinking like a rock, and now that their Clinton connections are useless, the handwriting is on the wall.
    Sorry, NYT…you had your chance and you blew it.

  5. It couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of lying phonies.
    They propped up Al Gore so much,
    Will Al Gore rescue them ?

    Gore has made billions off the climate scam.
    What will he do for the propaganda machine that made him possible ?

    A lesson to be learned ?
    I think not.
    Democrats never learn.
    They’re too smart for that .

  6. They are fading. Print sales and subscribers shrinking steadily. Digital ad sales can’t bail out the print losses.
    Massive financial net losses. Without accounting tricks, their losses are even worse than announced.
    Layoffs. Cost cuts. The print edition will continue to shrink and downsize, which further diminishes any reason to buy the product. Vicious downward spiral.
    Same thing happening to WaPo.

    There’s only a limited demand for Lefty “opinion” papers, especially in a continuing Year 9 recession.
    Like Target and the NFL, their decline is due to a continuing boycott.
    A permanent boycott. They just don’t know if yet.


  7. TRUMP (and us) are in for way worse than bush got. These asswipes will never shut up until they get hit where it hurts the most.
    If just half the people that voted for TRUMP would cancel their cable,sat tv,newspapers and quit going to the movies,etc…..not only would they be better off like I’ve been for years, but the “news” media and actors(same thing)would be forced,at least by their bosses, to get with reality. Imagine a lot of them would end up working at McDonalds too.
    There are way too many channels on broadcast TV for free to be paying a hundred bucks a month to priggish elites to tell me what a piece of crap I am for being old, white,straight,conservative,etc.

  8. Sure they are. I believe that just as much as Hamas honoring a cease fire. To them, a cease fire means its now time to rearm and regroup for the next attack.

    That’s all the NY Slimes is doing right now. Rearming and regrouping for their next attacks on anybody who thinks to the right of them politically.

  9. Do you know what I miss? The World Weekly News. This is a niche the Times can fill because they are already experienced in peddling bullshit. Instead of “Hillary Clinton Is The Most Qualified Candidate Ever,” they can focus on “Batboy Spotted In New York Deli.” Op Ed pieces by Ed Anger. Celebrity alien stories. Fake advice columns chock full of dangerous and silly suggestions.

    Outside of insular New York City and other political reporters (who apparently don’t really subscribe in large numbers), the Times has lost its credibility and isn’t well read. So go full retard and fill the void left by the World Weekly News.

  10. NYTs? Reporting honestly? BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA (gasps for breath) HAHAHAHAHhhahahahHahahahahahahahaha
    (gasps) YOU’VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME? Who’s your comedy writer? Obviously you’re not paying him enough.

  11. How can one “rededicate” to something one has never been dedicated?

    In the 30s – THE FUCKKING 30s – they were lying about the Holodomor!
    They’re gonna change, now?

    “Check’s in the mail.”
    “Won’t cum in your mouth.”
    “This is REALLY the truth!”
    “Trust me!”
    “Have I gotta deal for you!”
    “This won’t hurt a bit.”
    “This is for your own good.”
    “I ain’t in no ways tarred.”
    “Hot sauce!”

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Actually, the Times can still produce some pretty good articles when they stick to subjects that are either pure facts (science, for example) or intended to be humorous. If there’s any chance of voicing a political or social opinion, though, they automatically skew left – they can’t help themselves.

    Kinda sad, really – they used to be the gold standard for accurate, unbiased reporting. Or so I’ve heard.

  13. Have been doing my part to help them along for about 10 years. NEVER click on NYT, WaPo sites, cancelled local newspaper, boycott the movies, cancelled cable, rarely turn on the TV, pore through Conservative sites about 3 hours per day. Free copies of local newspaper used for Earth Day bonfire.

  14. I do believe he publicly admitted that they have intentionally misled (LIED TO) the American people. I think the only honorable thing he can do now is commit ritual suicide! And I’d pay to watch!

  15. Are they going to apologize to the public
    For more than 15 years of leftist extremist propaganda posed as journalism ?
    The entirety of their RAG for all of 15 years has been nothing but
    Advertising and extremist editorializing posing as journalism .

    Where is the apology ?
    Where is the owning up to wrongdoing ?
    Where is the humble begging for forgiveness ?

    They’ve been caught as extremist propagandists and all they are saying is they will try to do better ?

    If this doesn’t justify boycott .

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