NYC: BLM Rioters Pour Gasoline on Police Vehicle with Cops Inside – No Arrests Made – IOTW Report

NYC: BLM Rioters Pour Gasoline on Police Vehicle with Cops Inside – No Arrests Made

Neon Nettle-

Footage has emerged showing the shocking moment that Black Lives Matter rioters attacked an NYPD vehicle, pouring gasoline over the van while police officers were still inside.

Cops appeared to be trapped inside the van as it was surrounded by a violent mob of leftist thugs who attempted to set it on fire.

The horrific incident occurred on Friday amidst a violent riot in the name of 24-year-old Mike Rosado.

Rosado died from a gunshot wound after engaging in a shootout with police.

The attempted arson suspect remains at large as New York City police are asking for the public’s assistance in locating the perpetrator.

Other rioters peppered the van with eggs while one individual allegedly attempted to set the vehicle ablaze, police say.

The NYPD says the van was able to drive off before the gasoline was ignited, according to the New York Post. MORE HERE

12 Comments on NYC: BLM Rioters Pour Gasoline on Police Vehicle with Cops Inside – No Arrests Made

  1. Lemme guess. Dindu Nuffin teenagers with bright futures who couldn’t hurt a soul and make a positive impact on their community that if convicted of any crime or injured by police in any way whatsoever the community in which they positively impact would raise them to sainthood while communities around the nation (and possibly the world) would chant their names in streets as businesses on those streets would be stripped…

  2. Was “able to drive off before the gasoline was ignited” BLM members must have not been paying attention in pyrotechnics class held by ANTIFA mothers. Details matter.

  3. If we had an effective FBI, they could round up 50 BLM Violent insurrectionists and hold them 4 months incommunicado with no charges. Oh, wait they did that with January 6th protesters who had the audacity to enter the People’s House. Totally different instances, one were very violent black marxists and the other were white patriots. There was one Murder on Jan. 6th, Ashlii Babbitt, the Pelosi run Capitol police chose not the prosecute the murderer.
    The two tiered Justice system, for all to see.

  4. Aaaaaaannnnnd over in the Over-Taxed-Payer-Funded Liberal Land of PBS, we see their extreme nonsensical rhetoric with professional Nit-Wit Ken Burns on CNN’s so-called “Reliable Sources” telling us that 1/6 Is As Big as the Civil War and World War 2!
    “If you get your news from one echo chamber you’re in daaaangerous trouble!”
    Yo Pot!
    Kettle here…
    Yer black too!


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