NYC Is Going Car-Free This Earth Day (Sort Of) – IOTW Report

NYC Is Going Car-Free This Earth Day (Sort Of)

orange traffic cones

Observer: A new initiative aims to get cars off city streets this Earth Day.

New York City Council Member and Transportation Chair Ydanis Rodriguez today announced the launch of the first annual Car Free NYC at NYU this morning, which will take place this April 22 with the goal of encouraging New Yorkers to leave their cars at home and take public transportation, ride a bike, or walk instead.

“Single occupancy car usage is one if the least efficient ways of getting around,”  more

11 Comments on NYC Is Going Car-Free This Earth Day (Sort Of)

  1. “Single occupancy car usage is one if the least efficient ways of getting around,”

    hey butt wipe, define efficiency in terms of transformation as it pertains to me, for me?

    yes, that’s what I thought.
    you definition of efficiency doesn’t have anything to do with my efficient use of my time and resources.

    go play in your buss traffic and quit telling me how to live my life.


  2. Awww … isn’t that sweet?

    Call me when they give up their cars, trucks, busses, trains, planes, subways, trolleys, &c. and start hoofing it all over town.

    Same for the Public Works guys … do your snow removal with shovels, not gas-guzzling trucks with blades on the front.

    Yeah, that’s what I thought.

    Fuck you, hypocrite.

  3. This feel good Earth Day crap makes me want to start a new recognized day ” Carbon Onset Day” where everyone who loathes liberal pukes does everything to offset their carbon offset…we’ll have on the same day as Earth Day.

  4. Once again I will run my three snow throwers, two push mowers, two garden tractors, one rototiller, one chainsaw, one trimmer, one edger, and my SUV, pickup truck and automobile. I’m going to start a fire in the fire pit and open all the windows in the house and turn up the heat. I’ll defrost the freezer and air out the refrigerators. I’ll spread four 20lb bags of fertilizer high in nitrogen and turn on the lawn sprinkler system. All at the same time. then I’ll sit back and light a cigar.

  5. Pile of smoke generating rubbish is dang near 30 feet in diameter and probably 12 feet high by now. The center is mostly tires but you can’t see them because of all the wet leaves. Earth Day Bonfire may end up lasting more than a day this year. A new record.

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